10 Safe Foods For Those With Sensitive Stomachs

Although they do not usually cause any problems, you should talk to your doctor about these foods if you are following a medical treatment for a sensitive stomach.
10 safe foods for those with sensitive stomachs

People with a sensitive stomach must be careful with their diet if they want a good quality of life. Fortunately, certain foods can be very helpful for sensitive stomachs. This is thanks to their ability to help reduce inflammation in the gut and repopulate your bacterial flora.

In this article you will learn more about the 10 best foods to take care of sensitive stomachs.

sensitive stomach

The best foods for a sensitive stomach

1. Agar

Firstly is agar a type of algae that is used in foods to make a kind of gelatin. Many vegetarians eat it to avoid animal gelatin. This ingredient can thicken liquid. After all, the more you add, the thicker it gets.

2. Chia seeds and flax seeds


Then comes chia seeds and flax seeds. These seeds are popular because they increase your intestinal functions. Plus, they do this without irritating the gut or bacterial flora.

  • When you soak them, they release their mucus. This is a type of soluble fiber that makes water gelatinous.
  • When you drink this liquid with the seeds, you get a  deep bowel cleansing. Naturally, this is good for sensitive stomachs.

Fermented food

In addition, foods created through fermentation are very beneficial. After all, they repopulate and protect the gut bacteria.

Unfortunately, the intestinal flora can suffer the consequences of a poor diet, antibiotics or intestinal diseases. However, fermented foods can come to your rescue!

  • The most popular fermented foods are natural yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha tea.

Papaya against a sensitive stomach


Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit that is very good for the digestive system. At the intestinal level, it has a mild laxative and cleansing effect. Plus, it is very useful for cases of constipation, diverticulitis or parasites. 

  • We recommend  eating papaya raw for breakfast. This can be either alone or in juices or smoothies.

5. Apples

Furthermore, apples are a good fruit to  improve and balance digestion. In addition, they can also help treat intestinal diseases, depending on how you eat them.

  • If you eat a raw apple with the peel, you  help the bowel movement. This fights constipation thanks to soluble fiber and improves your bowel activity. In addition, it also strengthens muscles in the digestive system.
  • If you eat peeled and grated apples  and let them turn brown, you can calm diarrhea. They have this effect thanks to tannins that appear when they oxidize and due to their high pectin content. This retains water and slows down bowel movements.

6. Kuzu against a sensitive stomach


Kuzu, or kudzu, is a starch that is rich in fiber. It has a regulatory effect on your small intestine. Overall, it is recommended if you have alternating constipation and diarrhea, spasms or a delicate stomach. Plus, eating this can increase the amount of intestinal bacteria.

  • Kudzu is dissolved in water. Then you can heat it until it gets thick.
  • After it is cooked and cooled, you can drink it.

7. Ground coffee

Believe it or not, ground coffee can also help those with sensitive stomachs. This is a very interesting remedy that is very effective in soothing intestinal inflammation.

  • You just need to  drink a tablespoon of ground coffee mixed with a glass of water  in the morning.
  • You should do this  at least half an hour before eating breakfast.

With this simple solution, you see almost instant relief.

8. Seawater

Seawater is good as a medical treatment for those with sensitive stomachs. After all, it is rich in minerals and trace minerals. These regulate your bowel function if you drink it properly.


  • 1/4 cup clean seawater
  • 3/4 cup water

Instructions for use

  • Mix the two water types.
  • Then take small sips of this drink next to your breakfast.

9. Coarse leaf

The plantain leaves are a medicinal plant that you can drink as a tea. Plus, they have the benefit of being able to calm and balance the stomach. As a result, they are very useful in cases of diarrhea, gastritis, stomach ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome.

10. Oats against a sensitive stomach

oats against sensitive stomach

Finally, oats are a good type of grain that is rich in fiber and plant slime. These are two ingredients that are very good for treating intestinal problems.

For the oats to be effective, you must eat it cooked or soaked. This is because if you eat them raw, it can be difficult to digest or you may experience heartburn.

In addition, oats are also very nutritious. It gives you energy and strength. It also calms the nervous system, which prevents problems such as nervousness, irritability and anxiety

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