10 Useful Tricks To Fight The Heat

Even if you do not believe it, showering in cold water can make you even hotter. This is because your body raises its temperature to stay stable. The best thing to do is to shower with lukewarm water.
10 useful tricks to combat the heat

Summer is synonymous with vacations, spending a lot of time outdoors and enjoying the warm temperatures. But if you live in an area where the hot climate sometimes becomes unbearable, or you are on vacation, listen. Here is a list of recommendations and tricks to combat the heat.

1. Sweat and drink water to fight the heat

Sweating is a natural defense mechanism to regulate your temperature and keep your body cool. The cooling process is done by millions of sweat glands. These are located in specific parts of your body ( apocrine glands ) and in your skin ( eccrine glands ). However, sweating for hours can lead to dehydration. Because of this, it is necessary to drink water on a regular basis.

Contrary to popular belief, sweat does not have any odor. The smell is given by bacteria that live in your skin or body hair. So we suggest maintaining good hygiene and a good diet.

2. Avoid showering with cold water

10 useful tricks to combat the heat

Everyone may think that a good cold water bath will lower body temperature and fight the heat. The real effect that it has, stimulates your body to increase the temperature so that you do not lose heat. Lukewarm water is cold enough to lower the temperature. But it is also hot enough that your body will not warm up again.

Eat spicy foods to fight the heat

Spicy foods stimulate sweating. As we mentioned before, sweating helps us manage body temperature. As much as possible, try adding spicy foods to your diet.

4. Wear bright, loose, breathable clothing

10 useful tricks to combat the heat

Thanks to dry air currents around your body, loose clothing helps your body to lose heat due to sweat evaporation. Try to wear light clothes and materials if you are not so exposed to the sun.

5. Wear black clothing

It is generally recommended that you use light colors. This is because darker colored clothing concentrates the heat. But you must also recognize that the human body is a source of heat. White clothes reflect body heat without letting it out. Instead, it goes back to your body. Black clothes, on the other hand, just absorb it.

Remember, however, that the use of light or dark colors depends on your climatic conditions. If it is windy with dry heat, it is best to wear black clothes. The secret is based on the wind. It carries away the heat that black clothes absorb. This is why Bedouins crossed the desert in black clothes. If it is hot and humid with no wind, the best option would be tight-fitting white clothes.

6. Wear a hat or caps

Woman with sun hat

These accessories are important to protect you from the sun’s rays. Make sure they are synthetic fibers that do not absorb sweat. They also need to have ventilation to let sweat and heat out.

7. Eat light meals

Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals helps hydrate you and help you stay healthy.

The best foods, due to their high water content, are:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Salad
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Melon
  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Pears

8. Do not abuse caffeinated, alcoholic or sugary drinks

Coffee and soft drinks

Beware of ice cream, soda, processed juices and beer. Instead of making you cooler, they increase your body’s fluid loss. In addition, in some cases they will make you warmer.

9. Try to lose weight to fight the heat

A person’s production of heat is proportional to the volume. In other words, larger people have a disadvantage in warmer climates, as opposed to thin people. Because of this, taking care of your weight will  be another important point to suffer less when it is hot. If you want to lose a few extra pounds, we invite you to look at articles we have on our site.

10. Cool important areas

Applying something cold to some areas is an easy and useful option. These areas include places like your wrists, behind your knees, your neck and your neck. The reason is that the veins and arteries are much closer to your skin.

By being in contact with a bag of cold water, you thereby reduce the temperature of the return blood flow and your blood flow is also lacking. The effect: Your body will feel cooler.

As you can see, these tricks to combat the heat are not very difficult to follow. We hope they help you make your summer and late summer amazing. And above all, enjoy the warm season!

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