20 Incredible Facts About Chocolate

20 incredible facts about chocolate

Chocolate has a very good taste, and is ideal both alone and combined with other foods and desserts. Many people have a bad conscience after eating chocolate, and often do not know that a few bites a week can supply the body with important nutrients. Read on to discover 20 facts about chocolate!

An increasing number of studies have proven that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, making it a great addition to any diet thanks to the important health benefits. These studies also showed that dark chocolate is packed with flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that protect the body against various diseases.

There are many things about chocolate that people do not know about. After reading our 20 facts about chocolate, we have a feeling that you will start eating chocolate more often, or at least with a clearer conscience.

20 facts about chocolate

chopped chocolate
  • Chocolate contains a negligible amount of caffeine compared to other products such as coffee and tea.
  • Eating chocolate can help treat and prevent various pains as it is a natural painkiller.
  • Just one piece of chocolate can supply the body with enough energy to run 150 meters.
  • The nutrients in chocolate contribute to the growth of good bacteria in the body.
  • Due to the content of flavonoids, chocolate protects the skin from the sun and prevents sunburn.
  • The aroma of chocolate increases the brain waves, which create a feeling of well-being. Eating chocolate also stimulates the secretion of endorphins, which are responsible for the feelings of joy and well-being, in addition to increasing serotonin levels.
  • Eating chocolate improves memory and concentration. This is also due to the flavonoids, which increase blood flow to the brain for two to three hours after eating it.
  • It can help prevent cavities in the teeth as the antibacterial agents in the coconut beans fight high sugar levels.
  • It reduces fatigue and improves physical performance.

More facts about chocolate

  • The high content of antioxidants in dark chocolate can increase the life expectancy of those who consume it regularly.
  • In a study published in the journal  Physiology and Behavior , it was revealed that a piece of dark chocolate can give you better vision in the dark.
  • It is very good for the heart thanks to the content of antioxidants. Eating dark chocolate helps to dilate the arteries and promotes blood circulation. In addition, it helps prevent plaque from accumulating in the walls of blood vessels.
  • Although many will not believe this, chocolate can actually contribute to weight loss thanks to its content of antioxidants and the power to satisfy.
  • Eating chocolate during pregnancy helps prevent stress and improves mood.
  • It is found in countless beauty products as it softens and moisturizes the skin, as well as helping to prevent wrinkles .
  • It is said that dark chocolate can help control and prevent coughs.
  • The antioxidants retain a youthful appearance.
  • The flavonoids in chocolate fight free radicals in the body. Therefore, chocolate prevents disease and promotes cell regeneration.
  • Recent studies have shown that women who eat 500-600 grams of dark chocolate a week reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.
  • Cocoa contains oleic acid, a type of fat that can help increase the levels of good cholesterol.

Tips for eating chocolate

chocolate plate
  • Dark chocolate is the best for your health. Although some types of white chocolate contain certain good nutrients, they are still generally less healthy than the dark types.
  • Moderates chocolate consumption to a maximum of 50-60 grams per day.
  • Those with diabetes and obesity problems should talk to their doctor before making dark chocolate a part of their diet.
  • When buying chocolate, always make sure that it contains at least 65% cocoa.


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