3 Mistakes That Make You Eat Worse

The food industry has led us to believe that some food options are healthier than the original ones. However, this is not always the case and can lead to poor eating habits.
3 mistakes that make you eat worse

It is often the case that we eat worse than we should due to errors in our diet. Usually it is due to ignorance or that we have been influenced by marketing, which promises to sell us products that turn out not to be as healthy as we thought.

Now that we are aware of this, we need to pay more attention to food labeling so that we can avoid buying lower quality products. Below we show you the three mistakes people usually make when choosing food.

3 mistakes that make you eat worse

The food choices we make are crucial for both our health and our weight. With so many misconceptions about food, however, it is normal for us to make mistakes that make us eat worse. Which are the most common?

1. Milk of nuts instead of cow’s milk

Nut milk can be a healthy alternative to cow’s milk, especially for those who suffer from intolerances. However, not all that glitters is gold. In some cases, they contain more sugar and very little of what should be the main ingredient.

If we get too much sugar through what we drink, for example, it can damage the pancreas. This means that your body will produce more glucose in the blood, which leads to a greater demand for insulin which in turn encourages resistance and potentially leads to the development of type 2 diabetes at an early age.

When drinking nut milk, you should therefore always check the label to make sure that no large amounts of sugar have been added.

Plant milk
When buying nut milk, be sure to check the sugar content.

2. Eating “disguised” sugar

In today’s society, sugar is classified as the number one enemy of our health. These days, there are sweetener substitutes in products we buy that have a different name. This may lead us to believe that eating these alternatives to sugar is healthier, even if it is not.

Honey, maple syrup, cane sugar, etc., are foods that mostly consist of sugar. They have the same effect on glucose levels, which also leads to significant stress on the pancreas.

Today, the only sweeteners known to have less effect on glucose levels are artificial sweeteners. However, it is recommended that you be careful with them as you are not sure of the long term effects on the kidneys and liver, in addition to the fact that they may have other consequences.

3. Pastries without added sugar make you eat worse

The advantage of these is that they taste just as good as the sugary varieties, but apparently without the negative impact on the body.

In reality, sugar is not the only enemy here. Usually these foods are exposed to high temperatures and contain a large amount of trans fat.

Trans fats, together with the production of acrylamide during the cooking process, make them potentially dangerous foods. In addition, it is not uncommon to see artificial colors and added preservatives in the ingredients that can sometimes be unsafe or harmful in the long run.

This is why it is important to eat as much fresh ingredients and homemade products as possible, instead of mass-produced products.

Baked goods
Baked goods are not good for our health. In addition to containing sugar, they are rich in trans fats, dyes and preservatives.

So, what can we do to help eat better?

One of the worst mistakes we can make when choosing food is to think that certain processed foods are better for our health just because they promote certain benefits on their labels.

It is best to choose fresh ingredients over processed foods to maintain a healthy diet. It is important to reduce your intake of sugar and sugar substitutes.

It is also important to avoid frying or frying food in vegetable oils at high temperatures, thus limiting the consumption of acrylamide. This is a substance that is characterized by its long-term toxicity and potential to cause cancer.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that you must be careful when consuming artificial sweeteners. We are not entirely sure about the long-term side effects of these substances on our health, especially the liver and kidneys. They should therefore be consumed in moderation.

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