4 Exercises To Maintain Mental Clarity In Old Age

If you always brush your teeth with your right hand, try to do it with your left hand and vice versa. That way, your brain learns to give orders and do different actions from what it is used to.

Maintaining a good state of mental health and clarity of mind when we shape our thoughts is important for having a good time and maintaining autonomy as we get older.

These four exercises will help you avoid losing mental clarity with age.

Exercises to maintain mental clarity in old age

Challenge the Stroop effect

You may have seen a picture with a series of words written in different colors. For example, the word “blue” may be written in green, the word “black” in yellow, etc. This image is based on a psychological principle called the Stroop effect.

The first activity involves finding one of these charts (searching for the “Stroop effect” will help). Then start reading the color each word is written in aloud. Do this until you reach the end of the image, and then do the same exercise backwards.

This will train both halves of the brain that respond to the perception of text and color.

You may find it difficult at first, but it will be very helpful to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Doing this simple exercise will help you to:

  • Make new connections between the two halves of the brain.
  • Train yourself in a new set of abilities such as concentration and attention exchange.

2. Debt tables


To do this exercise, known as the Schulte table, you need to start by concentrating on the number in the center.

In addition to focusing on number 19 (in this table) you have another goal: find number 1 and continue with all the other numbers in ascending order. In the meantime, you should still focus on the number in the center.

The benefits of this exercise are to increase the speed of the information process, as well as to develop peripheral vision.

3. Fingerprint


In addition, you can also do a simple exercise with your fingers. Make a peace sign with your right hand.

At the same time, make an OK sign with your fingers on your left hand. Do the opposite and repeat several times.

Once you have done this with both hands, practice both exercises at the same time.

In this way you will:

  • Increase and train the capacity of your concentration.
  • Improve both your attention and your ability to quickly switch between one task and another.

Both goals are not always easy, precisely because of the lack of synchronization.

4. Practice synchronized writing

Synchronized writing

Practicing synchronized writing can help a lot if what you want is to train your memory.

To do this you need 2 sheets of paper and a pen in each hand.

  • First you need to start drawing geometric shapes with both hands at the same time.
  • You can also write letters or words of the same length at the same time.
  • The key is to do it at the same time. Otherwise the exercise will not work.

The benefits of this exercise include teaching the brain to do multiple tasks simultaneously to activate both halves of the brain at once.

Other tips for maintaining mental clarity

It is a good idea to practice your non-dominant hand.

That is, if you always brush your teeth with your right hand, try to do it with your left hand and vice versa. That way , your brain learns to give orders and do different actions from what it is used to.

You can also shower and do other daily activities with your eyes closed.

Change your routines when going to work, hiking or other places where you often go to activate your memory.

Always remember to eat well

Eating well is also important. After all, diet plays an important role in strengthening your memory.

There are certain nutrients that help the brain to function well.

Include foods rich in phosphorus in your diet. These include:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Egg yolks
  • Fat fish
  • Almonds
  • Dairy products

You should also eat foods rich in potassium, such as:

  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Wheat germ
  • Oranges

Lastly, don’t forget to include magnesium- rich ingredients in your diet:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Soya
  • Whole grain cereals

It is also important to provide the brain with adequate glucose. After all, glucose is the engine of our brain. Try to choose sources that are absorbed slowly.

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