5 Home Media For Vitiligo

It is very important that you protect your skin from the sun, as stains where the pigment is lost can be easily burned, which aggravates the condition.
5 home remedies for vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disease that occurs when the cells in the body’s skin tissue lose normal pigmentation, resulting in the appearance of light-colored spots in highly visible areas such as the hands, abdomen, face, or neck. In some cases, it can also occur on the inside of the mouth, in the nasal cavity, around the genitals, and even on the retina of the eye. Fortunately, there are home remedies for vitiligo!

Although this disorder primarily affects the skin, treatment must also include emotional support, because it also usually affects the self-esteem of the sufferer.

What is the cause of vitiligo?

So far, researchers have not been able to determine the exact cause of vitiligo. Some believe that it is an immune disease that leads to the development of antibodies that attack the pigment in the skin cells. Melanocytes, the cells responsible for giving color to the skin, can change or just die, leading to the appearance of these white spots on various parts of the body.

What they can agree on is that most cases of vitiligo are related to genetics. This is a condition that has no cure, but the symptoms can be treated to improve the quality of life of the sufferer.

1-vitiligo arms

Recommendations for vitiligo

People who have vitiligo must be especially careful with their skin, as this condition means that the bright spots will be delicate and sensitive.

Sun protection

It is very important that you protect yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays with the help of a good broad-spectrum sunscreen. Apply it generously over your skin, at least half an hour before going out in the sun.

You can also wear hats, sunglasses and protective clothing to cover your skin, and generally avoid going out in the sun during the strongest hours. People with vitiligo usually get sunburned more easily, which aggravates the problem.

Avoid getting tattoos

There is a tattoo technique known as micropigmentation that exists, which can hide spots affected by vitiligo or at least make them less visible. However, this technique and the like can actually cause the disease to develop further,  leading to the appearance of new spots.

Natural remedies for vitiligo

Some natural products react well with the skin to slow down the development of vitiligo. However, their effectiveness will vary from person to person, and they require consistent application before you see any results.



This fruit contains nutrients that help revive the melanocytes that produce melanin (skin color). It is an affordable option that you need to apply often to achieve the best results.

How do you do it?

  • Cut off a slice of papaya and mash it to a smooth mass. Then apply it directly on the affected areas. Leave it on until it dries, and repeat this twice to get the best results.
  • You can also enhance these effects by drinking papaya juice.

Red clay

Clay contains copper, which can help restore the pigmentation of the skin. It also improves blood circulation and contributes to healthier skin in general.

How do you do it?

  • Mix two tablespoons of red clay with a little ginger extract and apply the paste to the affected areas for 15 minutes.



This spice can be very beneficial for the skin and it helps to restore the pigmentation naturally.


  • 450 g fresh turmeric
  • 225 g ginger root
  • The juice of five lemons

How do you do it?

  • Mix all the ingredients together in a jar. Store it in the fridge and eat two teaspoons before each meal.
  • Another option is to prepare a tea made with turmeric, and apply the liquid directly on the skin.


This is a small aquatic plant that often grows in lakes and ponds, and it is a good treatment to reduce the effects of vitiligo. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to obtain it.

How do you do it?

  • Crush the plant into a paste and add a teaspoon of honey. Eat one tablespoon twice a day, after meals.



Ginger root has become very popular thanks to its many medicinal uses, and it can also be useful in the treatment of vitiligo, thanks to its ability to improve blood circulation.


  • 1 fresh ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon mustard oil
  • And pinches of turmeric

How do you do it?

Grate ginger and mix it with mustard oil and ground turmeric. Apply this as a cream directly on the affected areas and leave it on the skin for 20 minutes.

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