5 Little Known Symptoms Of Diabetes

If you have any of these symptoms, either alone or together, you should consult a doctor to rule out diabetes, as these symptoms may be a sign of the disease.
5 little known symptoms of diabetes

Today we would like to talk to you about some lesser known symptoms of diabetes. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you need to follow up and see a doctor.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the glucose level, or blood sugar level, in the blood is too high, which can lead to damage to the eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Not everyone who is diagnosed with diabetes has the common symptoms  such as thirst, numbness in the hands or feet, unexplained weight loss and frequent urination.

Symptoms of diabetes: Skin irritation

Skin irritation can be a symptom of diabetes.

Of symptoms of diabetes that are less known, we find dry and itchy skin. This occurs when blood glucose levels exceed healthy values.

The itching can occur on the hands, arms, legs and feet. So, if your skin is irritated or itchy, make sure it is not caused by the weather. If not, get your blood sugar checked.

Diabetes affects the blood circulation, and this skin irritation usually occurs on the extremities.

Dandruff or dry scalp

Many people could never imagine that these could be symptoms of diabetes. When you have excess sugar in your blood, your body usually tries to eliminate it through your urine.

However, by removing excess fluid from the body, some areas begin to experience the effects of dehydration. This causes scaling to occur on the scalp, which is both uncomfortable and irritating.

It can also lead to seborrheic dermatitis, often referred to as dandruff. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it can spread to the entire scalp.

In addition, inflammation in this area will facilitate good conditions for the growth of the fungus Malassezia , which causes dandruff. This microorganism feeds on the scalp oils, and can spread quickly in a few days, manifested as the known white flakes.


Snoring can be a sign of diabetes

This symptom may surprise you a little. Breathing problems during sleep can increase blood sugar levels. This condition is called sleep apnea.

Although it can be annoying, it is best to avoid this symptom because it can cause the body to release stress hormones during sleep, which significantly increases blood sugar in the blood. It is important to treat and prevent the onset of diabetes.

Snoring is associated with a number of diseases that you may think have nothing to do with diabetes.

However , it can be a crucial factor in developing diabetes, as it is caused by interruptions in normal breathing because the muscle that causes the airways to contract relaxes.

Snoring makes it difficult for oxygen to enter the lungs, which interrupts glucose metabolism.

Hearing problems

Did you know that hearing loss can be a sign of diabetes?

If you find that you constantly have to turn up the volume on the TV because it is difficult for you to hear, or if you have to ask other people to repeat things often, tell your doctor.

Several studies have shown that hearing loss can be a sign of incipient diabetes. Those with elevated blood sugar levels are more likely to have hearing problems than those with healthy blood sugar levels. This is due to the fact that really high glucose levels damage nerves and blood vessels in the inner ear, which impairs their function.

Changes in vision

changes in vision

Diabetes produces changes in your body fluid, and this can affect your vision. This is a very common symptom. Some patients may actually begin to see better before being diagnosed with the disease.

Maybe you suddenly do not need glasses anymore, because you can see well without them. When this happens, the improvement is not permanent. Once the blood sugar level has stabilized, the patient must again wear corrective lenses.

But do not despair, this is not the same as diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when the blood vessels behind the eye become blocked. In the early stages of diabetes, the eyes are unable to focus because the blood sugar level  is too high. This can lead to changes in the shape of your eyes, but it does not mean that you will lose your sight due to diabetes. These symptoms are often ignored because they are usually associated with other diseases.

If you notice any of these changes in your body, including the most common symptoms, you should consult a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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