5 Natural Methods To Minimize Dark Circles

To minimize dark circles and prevent them from coming back, you need a good sleep routine, a balanced diet and certain natural remedies.
5 natural methods to minimize dark circles

Many people try to minimize dark circles under the eyes, and for many it is strenuous. Self-confidence can be affected when the eyes look constantly tired, especially when connected with beauty and youth.

The good news is that there are ways to treat them. Natural remedies are very useful and we are here to share  5 natural methods to minimize dark circles.

What are dark circles?

Dark circles form when too much melanin is produced in the skin under your eyes.

Yet there are other factors that affect them and that are both genetic and environmental. Therefore, they may vary from day to day.

The main cause of dark circles

One of the main reasons why people get dark circles under the eyes is because they have  thin, sensitive skin, especially in that area. Age and exposure to the sun will also dehydrate the skin and make it look darker and looser.

There are many different natural solutions you can use. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Natural preparations to minimize dark circles

1. Ice cold spoons


This is a very simple solution when you wake up with bluish or swollen rings under the eyes. The cold acts strongly against  inflammation and it shrinks bags under the eyes.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Cool two spoons in the refrigerator overnight.
  • In the morning, hold them against the eye area. Press gently for the cold to work.
  • Alternatively, you can wrap ice cubes in a cloth and press against the area.

2. Bags of green tea

Due to the antioxidants in green tea, it has the property of  calming the aging process and helping you to remove dark spots from the skin. Therefore, it is perfect if you have dark circles.

  • Place two bags of green tea in a cup of lukewarm water and leave them there for 20 minutes.
  • Apply them over the eye area at least  three hours before going to bed.
  • You should see results after a week.

Cold milk

can minimize dark circles

This natural remedy is easy to fit into your busy life. The fat in the milk will soften your skin, while the cold temperature will  quickly reduce swelling.

  • Dip two cotton balls in cold milk.
  • Place them over the dark rings.
  • Let lie for a few minutes.

4. Cucumber slices

Cucumber slices are one of the best known and beloved remedies in the whole world. They  help reduce swelling in the face due to their content of caffeic acid and vitamin C. In addition, almost no effort is needed!

  • Peel a squash, grate it and slice it.
  • Let them cool in the fridge for a couple of hours.
  • When they are cold enough, take them out and place over your eyes.
  • Leave them on for 15 minutes and then cleanse the eyes with lukewarm water.

5. Egg whites


Although eggs may not be as well known as a natural remedy for dark circles, they are very effective. They contain vitamin B12, which helps to  improve circulation and soften the skin.

  • Beat an egg white until it gets stiff peaks.
  • Use a broom of some kind to apply it on the skin under the eyes.
  • Let sit for 15 minutes  and then wash off with plenty of cold water.

Use any of these remedies to minimize dark circles. They make them appear smaller and appear less frequently.

Now that you know what you can do, start taking advantage of the gifts from nature –  they are really easy to use! 

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