5 Tips To Avoid Constipation

5 tips to avoid constipation

Constipation affects everyone at one time or another in life, whether it is of the mild or more intense kind. Just think of all the TV commercials you see on the subject. In addition, medications are offered that in some cases can lead to serious side effects. Read our tips to avoid constipation and get rid of the pain and discomfort that results from it. Find out how in this article !

Why does constipation occur?

According to studies, 1 in 5 experience constipation, where the majority are women or people over 65 years. Women are more vulnerable due to hormones and menstruation. It can often feel like constipation if you only have a bowel movement once or three times a week. Below are some of the most common causes of constipation. Remember that over time, these habits can lead to serious problems. So it is best to avoid constipation.

  • Unhealthy diet or fast food intake
  • To skip breakfast
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Certain prescription medications (medications for high blood pressure, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications)
  • Postponement of toilet visits

5 tips to avoid constipation

1. Do you eat a healthy breakfast?


Breakfast is required. Sometimes you just have to run out of houses with just a cup of coffee, but breakfast plays an important role in keeping you healthy every day. Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day, and have a good start. Today’s first meal sets the standard for your good eating habits and helps digestion to function properly. So what is the best breakfast?

  • A glass of orange juice (or pineapple juice).
  • A bowl of oatmeal, nuts, some raisins and some soy milk. All of these ingredients provide a healthy dose of fiber for the digestive system.
  • A cup of hot green tea : Drinking something hot in the morning helps with digestion, and green tea is always a tasty alternative.

2. How much water should you drink each day to avoid constipation?

drinking water

You know that it is important to drink at least two liters of water daily. Intake of water helps your organs function properly, so that the kidneys filter the blood better and eliminate toxins, increase liver function and ensure that the digestive system works as well as possible so that you can go to the bathroom without pain and discomfort. It does not take long to fill a bottle with water and put in the bag before leaving home. And if you want a little extra flavor, add a little lemon juice that is both refreshing and tasty.

Salads are the solution


Do not fall for the temptation to fill the fridge or freezer with meals that are easy to prepare in the microwave. Avoid semi-finished products. It is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. Salads are simple. Add whatever you have on hand: Fresh baby spinach topped with fresh or dried fruits. Sliced ​​pineapple on a bed of spinach topped with nuts, grilled chicken with a little olive oil or lime juice is a delicious meal. And remember, eating raw foods promotes healthy digestive enzymes and makes the digestive process easier for your system. If you can, also eat tomatoes, onions and green peppers raw.

And what about a large glass of cold beetroot juice? Or artichokes with oil and vinegar? There are many simple recipes that can help you with your digestive problems to avoid constipation. Remember that you want to avoid the foods that absorb water and steal from your system and that you replace them with digestive aids (apples, bananas and pears).

4. Do not be afraid of bread


Be careful when starting a new diet. They are often very restrictive on what foods you can eat, and may eventually deny you foods that contain whole grains and cereal products that are necessary for a healthy digestion. Do not fall for scare propaganda that you gain weight by eating bread, because it is simply not right. It is good to maintain a balanced diet, but eating fiber and grains found in bread is an important part of a healthy and nutritious diet. And making sure you get your daily intake will help you avoid constipation and make you feel much better.

Ideally, you should eat wholemeal bread. Avoid white bread, as these are often baked with butter and fine flour. Breads made from oats, or preferably rye, which contain healthy fats and which will help you on your toilet visits are recommended.

5. Daily training


Thirty to forty minutes a day is enough to keep you healthy. A sedentary lifestyle can have a detrimental effect on digestion, whether it fails or does not work properly. It is important to move. Take a jog, go for a walk or take a bike ride. Take a friend on an early morning walk and make it a pleasant time and not just exercise. If you do this daily, your body and digestion will thank you.


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