6 Things You Should Never Do On An Empty Stomach

While it may seem that the first time in the morning on an empty stomach is the best time for certain activities, there are other things that should be avoided if we do not want to compromise our health.
6 things you should never do on an empty stomach

We have often added a number of habits that it is best not to do at certain times of the day. And many of us are addicted to habits that we do on an empty stomach.

In this article we will tell you about different things that are best avoided in the morning on an empty stomach. Notice them and try to avoid them.

Do not use anti-inflammatory drugs

Taking certain medications on an empty stomach is not advisable and this is the case with anti-inflammatory medications.

Medicines such as aspirin, paracetamol and other medicines with these properties should not be taken on an empty stomach.

  • This is because it reduces their effectiveness, in addition to potentially causing serious health problems such as gastric bleeding.
  • Milk can reduce the negative effects of this type of medication, so taking them with this liquid is a good option. Another option is to take them with water.

2. To drink coffee

Coffee beans

Is a cup of coffee the first thing you drink when you get up? Well, this is not a good idea because coffee, even when decaffeinated, stimulates acid production.

This means that if you drink it on an empty stomach, it can cause burning in the stomach and other problems in the digestive system.

If, in addition to drinking coffee on an empty stomach, you do not eat breakfast, you may end up suffering from a lack of serotonin, which will put you in a bad mood all day.

  • If you have trouble giving up the habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach, it is best to have cream or milk in it because these negative effects we are reduced thanks to the fat they contain.
  • It is also important to choose natural coffee and not freeze-dried coffee.

3. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach

Drinking alcohol can be a bomb for your stomach if you have not eaten anything. This is because the absorption of alcohol doubles if you have an empty stomach, which can be compared to an intravenous injection of alcohol.

If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it is eliminated much more slowly, which gives a stronger hangover. This will also affect the liver, heart and kidneys.

If you have to drink on an empty stomach for any reason, the best option is to go for non-carbonated drinks that are served cold and absorbed slowly.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum

Chewing gum is not a good idea for the stomach, because the chloric acid we produce when we chew affects the lining of an empty stomach, which can end up causing gastritis.

When you want to chew gum, it is best to go for chewing gum made with natural sweeteners such as xylitol and sorbitol, instead of sugar, cyclamate and aspartame.

In any case, it is best not to chew gum for more than 10 minutes, even if you have eaten.

5. Train

If you have an empty stomach, it is best not to do intense exercise. This will make you lose muscle mass more intensely.

You will also end up exercising in an inactive way because your body does not have energy if you have not eaten.

If you have an empty stomach, instead of doing intense exercise, try doing aerobic exercises.

If you also have problems with your digestive system, it is best to eat before doing any kind of exercise. Physical activity stimulates the production of gastric juice. and this is not good for the stomach.

6. Go shopping for food

Woman acts

It is best not to shop when you are hungry because you end up buying more. Because of this, it is  best not to act on an empty stomach.

It has been shown that the feeling of hunger causes us to buy more food than we really need.

To avoid ending up making such mistakes, you should not act when you are hungry. You should also  try to bring with you a shopping list you have prepared in advance at home.

This will help you save money in stores and buy less.

Another trick is to pay in cash instead of by card. Then you have a much more real idea of ​​how much you spend, which is less likely when you pay by card.

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