6 Tips On How To Take Care Of Your Kidneys

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a good diet helps to avoid kidney complications. If you want to learn how to take care of your kidneys, today we will give you 6 tips so you can start doing it.
6 tips on how to take care of your kidneys

Do you know how to take care of your kidneys? After all, our kidneys are  one  of the most important organs in our body. Among the many functions they have, they are responsible for:

  • To produce  urine ,
  • To expel toxins from your body,
  • To help distribute water in your system,
  • To maintain blood pressure.

Because of this, you need to take care of them. This is because  if they work incorrectly, it can cause imbalance all over your body.

Not taking care of your kidneys can contribute to a wide range of problems, from hypertension to diabetes. Fortunately, it is easy to prevent kidney disease.

It is true that many people who suffer from kidney problems do so because of genetics. One factor that affects them a lot, however, is the lifestyle you have.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a good diet helps to  avoid kidney complications.

If you want to learn how to take care of your kidneys, today we will give you 6 tips so you can start doing it.

back pain

This is how you can take care of your kidneys

1. Check your cholesterol

People who tend to have high  cholesterol  are  more likely to suffer from kidney failure.

It is important to keep these levels stable to avoid overloading the kidneys. If they become overloaded, this results in one will suffer from kidney failure.

Furthermore, by doing this, you are  helping to manage your blood pressure  .  This is another thing that helps your kidneys.

2. A good diet

The trans fats you eat in junk food, biscuits and refined foods overload your kidneys. As a result, this gets in the way of normal operation.

It is of the utmost importance that you  do not eat too much sugar. All this gives your body an excess of toxins.

A diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains and a high amount of fiber is the best option to take care of these very important organs.

Drink water

3. Drink water

Water is essential for your body. It is responsible for helping the kidneys dissolve and get rid of toxins and wastes that you easily accumulate.

Not drinking enough water will “dry” your kidneys. This will allow them to absorb toxins and  prevent the expulsion of toxins from your body.

In addition,  lack of water in the body is a cause of fluid retention. This is because the kidneys do not get rid of the amount of water they should. In other words, they do not work properly.

  • It is recommended that you  drink between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

However  , this amount can be changed to more based on each person’s needs .  This is because you need to keep in mind your physical condition as well as the activities you are doing.

4. Training

Exercise is essential for regulating all body functions. Your kidneys are no exception.

Maintaining a daily exercise routine is necessary to enjoy better health.  If you can not exercise due to time problems, it is more than enough to walk 30 minutes a day.

5. Reduce your salt intake

Eat less salt

Salt, especially refined salt, is one of the kidney’s main enemies.

This spice is a major cause of kidney failure problems. Although it is present in all foods, the  problem comes from eating it in large quantities.

It is recommended that you only use a little salt at meals and avoid foods that have large amounts such as:

  • French fries
  • Potato chips
  • Salted nuts
  • Tomato sauce
  • Cheddar cheese

6. Avoid smoking

Tobacco does not only affect your lungs. It also affects the bladder, stomach and kidneys.

Smoking makes you more likely to suffer from kidney failure, diabetes, obesity and arterial hypertension.  Avoiding cigarettes is good for your body in general.

Recipes to take care of kidney health


There are many fruits and foods that are good for helping kidney function. This is due to their high content of fiber and minerals. Do not wait to add the following foods to your diet:

  • Grapes
  • Green apples
  • Watermelon
  • Artichokes

There are also good recipes for cleansing and detoxifying the kidneys.  Today we are going to share one of the best detox juices.  Besides being delicious, it is very nutritious.


  • 1 mango
  • 2 grapefruit, pressed
  • 2 oranges, squeezed
  • 1/2 melon

Instructions for use

  • First, squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and oranges.
  • Then empty it into the blender with the peeled mango and melon.
  • If you want to give it a sweeter taste (which it probably does not need thanks to the mango),  you can always add honey.
  • If you want, add some ice cubes to make a kind of cleansing frappe.

It is refreshing and healthy!

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