6 Tips To Avoid Weight Gain With Age

Our metabolism slows down with age, and it makes it easier to put on more.
6 tips to avoid weight gain with age

As we get older, it seems inevitable that we often end up putting on weight. Nevertheless, if you follow a number of recommendations and tips, you can avoid weight gain with age.

Write down these little tips so that you do not gain the extra pounds.

Tips to avoid weight gain with age

1. Consume flavonoids

flavonoids in blueberries

Many studies have come to the conclusion that if we eat a significant amount of flavonoids, it will help us maintain weight, or even help to lose a little.

Therefore, it is important to eat blueberries, strawberries, cherries, grapes, berries, tea, apples, onions, leeks and broccoli.

To get all the benefits of flavonoids, you just need to  add one of these fruits to your daily diet. 

2. Do not fall into a sedentary lifestyle

It is essential that you do not fall into a sedentary lifestyle. Our metabolism slows down as we get older, and this makes it easier to end up with a few extra pounds on our body.

Because of this, it is important to stay as active as possible. It is important to do some form of physical activity, even with moderate intensity, but with a constant rhythm. 

If you exercise physically, you will become stronger and your muscles and joints will feel much younger. This means that you, in a way, will slow down the effect of time on the body.

As recent research shows, doing small, 10-minute workouts, 3 times a day, will give you the same results as if you did 30 straight minutes of exercise a day.

Do not hesitate, and remember that when you go to take the elevator, it is much better to rather choose the stairs.

3. Maintain an active mind

Woman reading

As we get older, we will usually lose memory. To avoid this, we recommend doing activities that stimulate the brain. This can be, for example, daily reading, crossword puzzles, chess, or sudoku. 

This type of activity will help you keep your memory and concentration supple. 

In addition, you should know that all activities that keep the mind awake and active also help prevent stress and depression. All of this will help you improve your quality of life.

Forget about diets

The majority of low-calorie diets can work against their purpose. In general, they can permanently reduce your metabolic rate.

This is because your body feels deprived of calories, and it will cause it to try to hold on to them by burning even fewer calories.

When you are often on a diet, you will risk lowering your metabolism permanently. If you are planning to go on a diet of less than 1200 calories a day, you should know that it is not recommended. It can result in a loss of non-adipose tissue, such as muscle tissue.

It is believed that muscle needs more calories, so if you end up losing muscle, it will be even harder to avoid weight gain with age.

5. Check your health

Good health

It is important that you check your health periodically. Aging usually results in certain problems such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis, among others. 

These problems can create limitations when it comes to exercise. Do not hesitate to take control of your health.

6. Do not leave these tips until tomorrow

Do not delay implementing these good habits until tomorrow. You should take the importance of taking care of yourself and you should not wait until the problems come.

To avoid weight gain with age, do not hesitate and try to include these healthy habits in your daily routine as soon as possible. That way, you will see that the years go by, but your health stays.

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