7 Easy Ways To Drink Water More Often

If you find it boring to drink water, then you can give it flavor by adding pieces of fruit or aromatic herbs to make drinking it a good experience. You can later replace it little by little with clean water.
7 easy ways to drink water more often

How many times have you sworn to drink water more often during the day, just to break your promise? This simple habit is one of the simplest remedies for many health problems, and it also prevents many diseases.

In this article, you will discover 7 easy ways to drink water more often on every single day. With little effort.

Try to drink water more often to improve your health

If you are determined to drink more water, then you should know that  this habit will affect your health in a very positive way, because it:

  • Improves kidney function.
  • Relieves pain and inflammation, especially in the knees and neck.
  • Gives skin and hair a healthier look.
  • Fights constipation
  • Reduces fluid retention and swelling.

1. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go

water bottle

Our first piece of advice in the recommendation to help you remember to drink water more often is to bring a water bottle with you wherever you go. It should hold at least a liter and you should refill it twice a day.

This bottle should be with you at all times, so you can drink it easily and continuously, without wasting time.

Join the gang of those who carry around a water bottle all day!

2. Lemon and ice cubes

If it is difficult for you to drink water because you are used to drinking drinks such as juice, coffee and soft drinks, then you should go through a type of detoxification process. This will help your body get used to drinking water. Once you get used to it, you will appreciate it more.

A good way to start this process is to drink water with lemon  and ice cubes. You can even add a few drops of stevia to make it sweeter, without adding calories.

Little by little, you can add more water to your lemonade.

3. Give your water a little taste

flavored water

Another way to make drinking water more attractive is to flavor it. To do this, add fruit, flowers, or aromatic plants to the water a few hours before drinking it.

Not only will the water look colorful and more appealing, but you will also get a drink with wonderful taste that will encourage you to drink water more often. The appealing look may even persuade those around you to give it a try.

4. Set alarms or sticky notes

If you still have trouble drinking enough water after trying the tips above, or if you come to drink it at the end of the day when there is not enough time to get as much in you as you should, then you should try this practical solution. Set alarms or sticky notes.

These will help you take a few sips occasionally, instead of drinking large amounts at once.

Place a reminder on the desk, on the refrigerator, or in the bedroom, or set an alarm on your cell phone. This will help you get into the routine of drinking water as part of your daily routine.

After using alarms for a while, you will soon no longer need them.

5. Get enough exercise


One way to get you to drink water more often is to help your body produce more sweat, which will make you thirsty. The best way to achieve this is through strenuous exercise twice a week.

Exercising only once will most likely help you increase your water intake by half a liter or a whole liter without effort. This is because your body will ask for it.

6. Drink water at appropriate times

To enjoy the medicinal benefits we have mentioned above, you should always drink water on an empty stomach.

  • The best time to drink water is on an empty stomach,  as soon as you get up in the morning before you have time to eat anything.
  • In the morning, you should drink two or three glasses of water little by little.
  • You can drink the rest of your daily water quota during the rest of the morning or afternoon.
  • If you have difficulty sleeping, try to avoid drinking water close to bedtime.

7. When the hunger is really thirsty


Did you know that we often eat even when we are not hungry, because  we confuse the feeling of hunger with thirst? Try the following experiment:

When you are hungry in between meals, drink a generous amount of water and wait a few minutes. By doing this, you will not only end up drinking water more often, you will also help control your weight by avoiding compulsive eating.

Drinking water half an hour before each meal can also help you eat less.

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