7 Mistakes Related To Eating That We Should All Fix

Keeping your family away from eating-related mistakes can be a difficult puzzle to solve. You need to realize that you are what you eat, and therefore a healthy diet should be one of your top priorities.
7 mistakes related to eating that we should all fix

Even those who are health conscious and have good habits can make mistakes related to eating, which can ruin their plan to maintain just this. Therefore, you should pay close attention to what you eat. Today we will give you some tips on things you might do wrong, as well as how to fix them.

Mistakes related to eating

Poor planning

It is easy to choose fast food if you have not planned what to eat.

Most people (up to 80% according to some studies) do not plan their weekly menus. Thus, the result is unbalanced eating habits that lead to obesity. Precisely because of this, you should have some basic knowledge about food. You should learn about nutrition and be aware of what you are consuming.

This is a chaotic world, and  eating healthy requires careful reflection and planning. Make smart choices when shopping by making sure you choose healthy foods.

2. Mistakes related to eating: “light” does not always mean “healthy”

Less fat generally means more salt or sugar in many foods. Do not fall for the promise of “light”, and do not consume foods as often as doing just this will change the nutritional balance of your diet. If you want to eat lighter foods, choose foods that are naturally light, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, etc.

As soon as we are on this topic, we must mention that many of us mistakenly believe that fat is harmful. In reality  , the body needs some fat to perform well. You should therefore stay away from the products that advertise with “0% fat”. It may be true that they do not contain trans fat, but they do not contain the healthy fat either! Monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are very useful for our body, so we should get enough of them every day.

Eat five times a day

Professionals recommend eating five times a day. This mainly means eating the three regular meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner – along with two small meals or (healthy) snacks. When we do not feed our body for a long time (more than 3-4 hours), it goes into alert mode. Thus, it triggers our reserve mechanisms.

What does this really mean?

Well, the  body begins to conserve energy and accumulate fat if we do not eat often enough to get through the hours when it does not absorb energy. Therefore, it is essential to avoid these alert mechanisms in order to maintain a healthy balance.

4. Skipping breakfast

Clock on a platter and mistakes related to eating
If you do not eat when you are hungry, your body goes into alert mode and increases the signals that it should save fat. This can lead to weight gain.

Skipping the first meal of the day is a widespread habit in our society. Many of us think that if we do this, we will lose weight faster. However, you should just forget this myth, because  breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. It is this meal that gives us the energy we need for the rest of the day.

In the same way, eating at the wrong time is also a bad habit. This is because our digestive system is self-regulating and has specific schedules. Precisely because of this, skipping meals will actually harm our health.

5. Wearing too much salt is a very common mistake related to eating

An excessive amount of salt will  lead to fluid retention and problems with blood pressure. This is because too much sodium in our body will affect both the kidneys and the heart. These conditions will appear over time if we continue to consume too much salt.

In the meantime, try to follow a proper diet with just the right amounts of salt. Try adding other herbs and spices to your food  if you think it tastes too little. We recommend that you experiment with herbs, spices, citrus, chili, garlic, vinegar, etc.

6. Not all salads are made the same way

Most people think that eating salads is eating healthy and that it means eating enough fruits and vegetables. This is a big mistake, because  a basic salad with only lettuce leaves, tomato and onion barely has any nutritional value. What you eat here is mostly water.

To eat a really healthy salad, you need to mix different vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, meats, etc. Lettuce leaves have a nutritional value, but you need more than just this one ingredient to reach the daily recommended amounts.

7. Mistakes related to eating: Too much of a good thing

Change your priorities as you eat to maintain a balanced diet. Your dishes should be colorful and contain more than just meat and potatoes.

“Eat the meat, at least,” mothers around the world used to say. From their perspective, this probably had a lot more to do with price than nutritional value.

Although we should eat a serving of animal protein every day, it should be no more than a quarter of a meal. A well-balanced, colorful dish is a healthy dish. (Note that we are not referring to colorful cereals or sweets here!). Make sure lots of vegetables, grains and legumes also find their way to your dish.

Finally,  talk to a nutritionist if you have any questions about maintaining healthy eating habits. They can help you!

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