8 Great Foods To Fight Stomach Ulcers

Although everyone knows the foods that make them feel better or worse, these are the most recommended foods for anyone suffering from stomach ulcers.
8 great foods to fight stomach ulcers

Gastric ulcer is part of a disease that affects the inside of the stomach or small intestine. This disease can significantly reduce the quality of life for people who suffer from it. In most cases, it is caused by some kind of bacterium, but other factors can also be important when talking about this disease. These include bad habits (alcohol, tobacco), some medications, stress and negative emotions. In this article, we will show you the 8 best foods to prevent and fight stomach ulcers.

8 foods that help fight stomach ulcers

1. Pineapple to fight stomach ulcers


Pineapple is a fruit that is rich in enzymes. These help digestion, and especially the digestion of foods that are full of protein.

In addition, it stands out due to its anti-inflammatory properties. These are useful for preventing and fighting stomach ulcers.

You can eat fresh pineapple before meals or as a dessert. You can also add it to homemade juices and smoothies.

2. Kale

Kale has a very alkalizing ability. It also has the ability to make it easier for stomach ulcers to heal.

You can eat it raw by letting it marinate in oil, vinegar and salt for a few hours. You can also boil or fry it or add it to juice.

We only recommend that you take care of your consumption if you have a low metabolism.

3. Red pepper

Red pepper

Red pepper is an appetizing vegetable that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.

You can eat red peppers raw in juices, salads, or as a garnish. It can also be fried or grilled. These last two ways to cook this vegetable give it a good taste. It also goes well with all kinds of dishes.

4. Potatoes

Potatoes are good antacids. This is not just because they are a food that sounds appetizing when you have heartburn. Raw potato juice is also an old alkalizing agent.

To make this old remedy, you need to drink the following drink for breakfast for nine days.


  • ½ cup of potato juice. This juice should come from a potato that has been well washed, peeled, and has no sprouts.
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

You should drink this at least half an hour before breakfast.

5. Carrots


Carrots are an alkalizing vegetable. They are good for any gastric problems you have. In addition, if you drink raw carrot juice, it helps your digestive tract.

A good homemade juice you can drink is carrot and apple juice. You can drink this an hour and a half before meals as a preventative measure for heartburn.

6. Apples

Apples are one of the most common fruits, but they are also one of the healthiest that exist.

This fruit acts as a natural digestive regulator. It is perfect for dealing with problems such as ulcers, gastritis, heartburn, pain, constipation or diarrhea.

Apples are very good for preventing and fighting stomach ulcers. They do this thanks to their fiber, beta-carotene and vitamin C content. These nutrients make it easier to heal the tissues of the digestive system.

7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that stands out due to its amazing healing ability. It is also an antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. When it comes to stomach ulcers, aloe vera is very effective for various reasons. These include:

  • Its antibacterial properties prevent Helicobacter Pylori from reproducing. This bacterium is often related to wound problems.
  • Wounds are also related to inflammation in the entire digestive tract, and aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Among the anthraquinone compounds, there are some that make it a good help for the inside of the digestive system.

8. Salt water

Today you can find salt water that is ready to drink in some supermarkets and health food stores. This is because people have discovered that it is a great source of minerals and trace elements.

And it is a good alkaline drink that helps to treat several health problems.

Other advice

To fight stomach ulcers, you can also follow the following tips:

  • Eat simple meals without mixing several types of food at once.
  • Chew well and do not eat in a hurry.
  • Drink water while eating. Drink more with breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Fight stress with natural remedies and relaxation treatments. These can be massage, yoga, tai chi, etc.
  • Avoid fried and processed foods, white sugar and spicy or stimulants. These include coffee, soda, chili, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc.

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