8 Warning Signs From Your Nails

Maybe your nails are ugly because you do not care for them, or maybe they send you a message about your health.
8 warning signs from your nails

Both men and women do their best to make their nails look clean and healthy. But nails are not only there for the sake of appearance, they can also teach you a lot about your own health. If you keep an eye on your nails, you can detect serious diseases before it is too late.

Make sure there are any changes. If it does, you should pay close attention because it may be a sign of a health problem. Do you want to learn about the different warning signs you can get from your nails?

Discolored nails

Healthy nails

Healthy nails usually have a light pink color and they are a little pinkish-white at the very bottom. When your nails get a paler color or develop discolored spots, it may be a sign of a health problem you may not have been aware of.

  • Nails with a greenish tone are a  sign of bacterial infection.
  • Red streaks on the nail bed : This may be a sign of infection in the heart valve.
  • Blue or purple nails : A sign of low oxygen in the blood.
  • Pale nails : A sign of vitamin deficiency or anemia.
  • White nails : A sign of liver problems

Thick nails

Although thick nails appear to be stronger, excessively thick nails are not normal. If the nails have a claw-like appearance, are thick or are difficult to cut, this may be a sign of various medical conditions.

  • If the nails were normal before they started to thicken, this may be an indication of some problem with the lungs.
  • If the nails not only thicken, but also become rough, this is a clear sign of a fungal infection.
  • If your nails are thick and “chipping”, you may be struggling with thyroid or psoriasis.
  • If your nails suddenly become thicker, there may also be signs of circulatory problems.

Fragile nails

Fragile nails

Fragile nails can be the result of nail biting or the fact that you hit your nails against something so that they break. In any case, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is an indication of a health problem.

  • Split and broken nails can be a sign that you are lacking folate (folic acid), vitamin C or proteins.
  • Broken nails can reveal a poor diet or possible anemia.
  • If your nails break and have holes, this may be a sign that you are suffering from psoriasis.

Spoon-shaped nails

Concave nails, better known as “shin nails” are a very clear indication of an internal health problem. This type of nail is easy to identify. Instead of the outer arch in which the nails usually grow, your nail can grow so that the arch faces inward.

  • This may be a sign of anemia.
  • You may suffer from a liver disease called hemochromatosis. It occurs when the body absorbs too much iron.
  • Heart problems.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Scaly nails

Scaly nails

The nail consists of many layers of keratin and it is keratin that gives the nails the shiny, fine surface. If the top layer of the nail begins to peel off, it is usually because it has been subjected to harsh treatment.

  • This can be a result of the environment being either very hot, cold or dry.
  • It can also be a reaction to chemicals in soaps and creams.

Nails with holes in

Holes in the nails can occur if something is hit against them or if you have a tendency to bite your nails. Sometimes, however, it can be a warning of something serious.

  • This type of nail is common if you have psoriasis.
  • It may be the result of a condition in which your tissue does not connect properly.
  • Alopecia areata.
  • Lack of zinc.

Nails with white spots

White spots on the nails are a common problem that can occur if you do not take care of them. Other times it is a signal that something is not right.

  • You may be deficient in zinc.
  • You may suffer from anemia.

Nails with grooves

Your nails should have a shiny and even surface with no visible lines. However, if the lines form “grooves”, it may indicate a health problem.

  • It may be a sign of iron deficiency.
  • You may have arthritis.
  • It may be a sign of lupus.


Your nails can be a good indicator of your own health. If you notice any changes, you may want to see a doctor to rule out serious problems.

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