Six Characteristics Of Absent Parents

A parent can provide the necessary food, clothing, a safe home and give the children all the toys they ask for, but still be an absent parent.
Six characteristics of absent parents

Absent parents are those who are unable to connect emotionally with their children. There are many reasons for this, and it is psychologically complicated to determine them.

Characteristics of absent parents

An absent parent is defined as someone who cannot or will not be involved with their child. The absence of the parental role leaves deep wounds and an emotional vacuum in the child. Although it usually refers to the father, it is becoming increasingly common to find absent mothers.

Absent parents may refer to one or more of the conditions which we will explain below. If you see yourself portrayed in any of them, it’s time to make a change.

Get help to reconnect with your children before the consequences are irreversible.

1. Indication of your judgment

Usually a father is physically present. His emotional disconnection is expressed through the imposition of his will and the views of his children, without listening to the causes of his family.

The family does not interest you. You do not know or you do not appreciate what your child thinks, even though you may not recognize it. You demand and force the achievement of high goals, but you do not see the effort that is put in, or value positive actions. It gives the child an undeserved punishment.

Father and children

2. They are apathetic to the needs of their children

Although they are a reliable financial contributor, they are not involved in the interests or characteristics of their children. They are not involved in rules or boundaries. In addition, they do not have the opportunity to create space to share with the children.

They are not able to offer a compliment or a reprimand in a timely manner. In general, all responsibility for the upbringing of the children is transferred to the mother. They are not very communicative, and their responsibilities are limited to supporting the family.

3. Emotional immaturity

He is the kind of father who refuses to grow up, who wants to be an eternal teenager. Children are a burden on their lifestyle. They do not have the maturity to make decisions and set boundaries that children need.

Having children is easy for them, because they do not feel obligated to take parental responsibility. They spend more time with themselves than with their children. In addition, they are not able to be a positive role model for their children. After all, their priorities are the satisfaction of their own needs, and if they do not achieve them, they become angry.

Children and absent father

4. Do not have time

He is a father who is not at home for professional reasons. Maybe he does not want to be an absent father, maybe he himself comes from a home that had a positive and loving father. Maybe he delegates the role of father because he has to meet a demanding work schedule to maintain the home.

Although technology offers options for “sharing” greater closeness and interest in children’s growth, it is not enough. The child needs to share time with his father. The love that is expressed through social networks or programs like WhatsApp is not enough. One must have a physical confirmation with hugs and the presence of the father.

5. Irresponsible

He is not involved in the emotional or affective, nor the financial support of the children. No matter how much the mother pressures the father to take on a bigger role in the children’s lives, it does not succeed.

Behind an irresponsible parent may be a child who was raised by absent parents, but that does not justify their behavior. He is the one who denies the child’s paternity, or disappears after a separation or divorce.

6. It is an indulgent or vengeful mother

Always ask mothers who complain that their partners are absent fathers if they have allowed his presence. Yes, behind some absent parents there are actually indulgent mothers.

In addition to those who take full responsibility for the upbringing, there are also those who deny the other parent the opportunity to be present.

The dissolution of a couple causes some women to attack the children’s father. It is a kind of revenge that is not always done on purpose. But that does not make it any less negative for the children. Although the father will be present and involved in some way with his children, the woman denies him any opportunity to do so.

Parents who both want their children

What consequences do absent parents cause?

Growing up with an absent parent has serious consequences for children:

  • Problems connecting with others.
  • Difficulty feeling one’s own emotions.
  • Inability to follow rules and respect government officials.
  • Inability to exercise governmental roles.
  • Lack of will or inability to realize their dreams or projects.

Responsible, loving and positive parents are not only important for the child to grow up healthy, safe and with good self-confidence.

But it also gives you the opportunity to heal your own wounds if you grew up with absent parents yourself.

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