Going To The Beach With Your Kids

Going to the beach is always fun for kids. Whether it is their first time or whether they are expert surfers, the trip will require the same preparations and safety measures against the water and the sun.
Going to the beach with your kids

Gone are the days when all you needed to do on the beach was put on your bathing suit and some sandals and wear a cooler with sandwiches and drinks. Going to the beach with the kids now can be quite extensive. It must not only be an unforgettable experience, but also a safe one.

If you have a baby with you, the responsibility is even greater. This is especially because you have to try to protect their delicate skin from the intense sun.

If your children are older and already have experience with the sea, you also need to take care of their skin and be extra vigilant. Keeping an eye on them while playing with each other or with other new friends is important to be able to spend a great day at the beach.

For them, the fun begins at least as soon as they can put their feet in the water!

Going to the beach with your kids

Two children under water.

Going to the beach with children requires a bit of planning. The planning will of course be more complex if you go on holiday for several days as opposed to a day trip. So that way it will not be difficult.

Observe the following tips and precautions when going to the beach.

Make a list before you go to the beach

Ideally, you should make a list of everything you need to have before going to the beach with the kids. Then start crossing it out as soon as each item is placed in the bag – or bags – you plan to take with you. Keep it simple and pack lightly.

You can sort everything by categories such as clothes, underwear, toys, necessities for the beach, hygiene and food and drink. Bring medication you may need, especially if you are going to spend the night away. Save in addition to the list: it will make your work easier on future trips!

2. Choose your beach

Going to the beach is a great way to expose your children to nature. This is why you should find the perfect beach.

Your excursion plan should include a list of beaches suitable for children. It should have calm waves and clear bathing places. It will also have services such as access to fresh water and toilets, and perhaps also a restaurant or food service. (This will make your meal planning much easier.)

So, if there is a lifeguard on site, you have found the perfect beach.

Get there early

Going to the beach with the kids is super exciting, so getting up early to travel on time will not be a problem for anyone. Pack a simple breakfast you can all eat in the car on the way there and plenty of water. After all, the first bathers who come there get the very best seats.

Find a good location near the water, so you can always have a direct view of your children while they play in the waves.

4. Dress the kids in colorful outfits

To make it easier to see where your children are at a particular time, especially on the crowded beaches, it is best to dress them in colorful outfits. You can also give them hats that will also protect them from the sun.

This way you will be able to easily find them.

5. Keep an eye on them

A child playing in the sand.

Pay attention to them all the time, even if your children are older and are swimming masters who can master the waves on their own. Do not take your eyes off them for too long.

The same applies to small children who learn to walk, even if they only wash their feet at the water’s edge and / or use bathing suits or the like. Not only will you be able to help them if they need you, but you will be able to see how happy they are and store it in your memory forever.

6. Protect children from the sun

When you get to the beach, you need to apply sunscreen on everyone immediately. Encourage them to wear hats, although some children will resist. Do your best to make wearing a hat fun.

Apply more sunscreen every two hours or every time they come out of the water.

Do not forget to apply it on the feet, ears and on the back of the legs. Around 12 o’clock they can wear a t-shirt to double the protection. However, the best course of action is to stay in the shade for a while to avoid heat stroke.

7. Limit alcohol consumption

Preferably you should stay away from cocktails during your beach day with the kids, and rather save them for the end of the day.

However, if you absolutely must have them, you can limit your consumption to just a few of them. Being 100% aware of the laughter and cheers of the children playing in the sand is much more intoxicating.

8. Stay well hydrated

While children will reject anything that steals their moments of fun, you need to encourage them to drink water every hour or even just eat some fruit to keep them well hydrated.

Sipping cups are perfect for this purpose, as they will allow them to drink as fast as they want. Use more sunscreen while they are already there.

Also bring some extra water to wash away sand from all kinds of body parts. If you forget it, however, you can do the same with seawater while preparing to return home, especially if the beach does not have fresh running water.

9. Pack individual snacks to go to the beach

Packing food individually is very convenient for going to the beach with children. Give a sandwich, a few pieces of fruit and some nuts and seeds or dry fruit to each one and maybe even some biscuits.

Bring some small plastic cups that you can serve food snacks in. You may also want to include fruit and vegetable salads, and maybe even some pasta or shredded meat.

10. Organize fun toys

Going to the beach: Two children challenge each other's strength.

When the children finally get tired of building sand castles (they will get bored), you can try playing other toys.

For example, you can play treasure hunts. In addition, playing with the shark coming into the water is always a hit among children. (Of course, you have to be the “bad” shark chasing its prey in the water.) Bodyboarding is also fun, especially for older children.

Another fun game is to let the kids bury you in the sand. So, get up like a sea monster and run around for a while before taking a good dip.

Always have a bucket for water. Filling it and emptying it into the sand is a lot of fun for little ones.

11. Establish rules and expectations for behavior

Also create references for your location while on the beach. If you settled down near the lifeguard stand, it will be an unforgettable indication for them. Otherwise, a flag or umbrella may also work. This is incredibly important on busy beaches.

With older children, set limits on how far into the depths they can swim. Common sense indicates that they stay where the water does not cover the shoulders. No matter how well they swim, the ocean is very different from swimming in a pool. In addition, there are undercurrents that must be considered.

12. Relax and enjoy going to the beach

Try to find a few moments of relaxation, whether it is when another parent or family member can look after the children, or perhaps when the baby is asleep. With older children, you can just ask them to sit on the beach and see what the others are doing, or just enjoy how good the water feels on their feet.

Do not leave the beach without taking care to enjoy it. It is very likely that you will be exhausted by the trip, but also very happy and satisfied.

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