The Reasons Behind A Distant Girlfriend

Your partner has seemed pretty distant lately … is something wrong? Was there anything you did? Today we are going to give you some clues as to the reasons why this type of behavior occurs and what you can do if you find yourself in this unpleasant situation.
The reasons behind a distant boyfriend

Lately, you may have noticed that you have a distant boyfriend (at least that’s how you perceive them).

Of course, it is natural to worry about this. After all, it’s uncomfortable and you’re probably not aware of what’s going on.

However, you must remember that it is natural for people to be introverted at times. This does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with their relationship. Maybe your partner is stressed, has difficulty at work or has a lot to think about.

Still, there can actually be problems within the relationship, and they should come up so they can be solved. Therefore, you may be afraid to act in a way that hurts the relationship even more instead of saving it because you are anxious and scared.

Today we are going to tell you what you can do if you are in a relationship with a distant boyfriend. In this way, you may find some healthy solutions together. You have to be two to dance the tango, but it helps if someone starts the dance!

Do you have a distant boyfriend? Talk to them

This is basic if you want to know what’s going on. First you need to understand what is going on in their minds, then try to talk to them. Do this in a friendly way without attacking, criticizing or blaming.

However, you must remember that some people use distance, silence and passivity to deal with a conflict instead of negotiating. If this is the case, you need to find a way to communicate that is healthy for both of you or consider couple therapy for some help.

Suggest going to therapy with a distant boyfriend

Girlfriend couple with therapist
Couple therapy is a great way to strengthen communication in a relationship.

In most cases, distance and conflict arise as a result of not being able to express how you feel.

After talking to your girlfriend, you may notice that they are unable to express what they really feel or what they need, or you may ask them what is wrong and they will answer “nothing”. Then maybe you should find out through counseling. There are two types of therapy:

  • Individual therapy: here you can work with conflicts such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and insecurity. You can also work on any issues you have related to dealing with your emotions.
  • Couples therapy: these sessions are for couples so they can talk to a third party and receive feedback on the way they talk to each other. The aim of this is to improve communication between the parties.

Both parties in a relationship must be willing to go to counseling for it to work. Otherwise it will be a waste of time and you will not achieve the desired result.

Find out your uncertainties

Man and woman discuss

It is possible that none of the above cases are true for you and that your partner still loves you. Your insecurity is probably the problem here. Maybe your self-esteem is low. You may be living in fear of being abandoned due to unhealthy psychological conditioning and addiction.

This is often the case when you have been in a complicated relationship before or if you grew up in a toxic family environment. These harmful conditions may have made you insecure and suspicious.

Fear and insecurity alone can damage a relationship. Remember that problems often just go on in your mind. If these are cases, it is a good idea to get emotional help to resolve them.

Consider therapy with a psychologist who can help you solve your problems. They can help you figure out what is stopping you from having a healthy relationship so that you can improve it.

Consider ending the relationship

After trying to talk to your distant boyfriend and you have tried therapy, the conclusion in some cases is that they no longer love you or that they do not want to continue the relationship for some reason. If so, it’s time to dump her and move on.

As you remember, you have to be two to dance the tango.

Remember: you can not continue a relationship with someone who does not want to be in it. It does not matter how much you still love them. Avoid begging; do not give empty promises.

Yes, this is a difficult, heavy and painful situation. You will be uncomfortable and lonely and have to grieve over the loss. However, you will be happier when you have control over your life and time.

It is much better to feel lonely when you are actually alone than to feel lonely in a relationship. Seek therapy and fill your time with new, healthy experiences, hobbies and friends.

Either way, give your girlfriend space

As we mentioned above , fear and insecurity in a relationship can cause you to suffocate your partner as you try to get closer to them. However, this usually works against its purpose.

As soon as you start acting this way, your partner may back away even further. They will have more space while you long for the opposite, which will only lead to bitterness. That is why it is so important to participate in therapy to discover any insecurities you feel.

You know for sure that communication is essential for a healthy relationship. It is necessary to express your feelings to your girlfriend. Tell them what you need and let them do the same.

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