Discover How To Decorate A Room In Vintage Style

When it comes to vintage-style decoration, there are no limits as long as the things you use take you back in time. Pastel colors can always help you achieve your ideal style.
Discover how to decorate a room in vintage style

In the design world, vintage style refers to any element that increases in value over time. Discover how to decorate a room in vintage style in this article!

The term “vintage” has revolutionized the world of design, fashion and decoration. However, this does not mean that you have to go and look for antique shops.

The materials in your home can go hand in hand with this concept.

Are you thinking of decorating a room? Then you should look for any item you can paint or restore, or an item that has a vibrant color or a pastel color.

The important thing is not to skip the details: necklaces, lace, furniture, curtains, ribbons, watches, flowers, lamps, candles, chests, books, candles, photo frames or old cameras. Use what you want!

Everything you think does not belong in this era will simply look spectacular.

The key is to create a peaceful atmosphere that is romantic and intimate.

Ideas for decorating in vintage style


3 white candles burning

Candles are an absolute must for any vintage style room. The combination of vibrant colors when you turn on the lights after the sun goes down will give the room a romantic feel that will calm the atmosphere.


We recommend flowers that have pastel colors, whether they are natural or artificial, as long as they follow the same color palette.

We recommend flowers with pastel colors, whether they are natural or artificial, as long as they follow the same color palette. You can try placing them as a centerpiece, adorning the entrance or even making an archway with them.

Ideas for decorating in vintage style: wood

wood in vintage style

It’s time to recycle the old wooden boxes you haven’t used in a long time!

  • They look great with flowers or Christmas lights or when used as a box for bottles or for the dessert table during a party.
  • Some people even use them as a base for lamps or candles.
  • Timber is also a good alternative.


When it comes to curtains, you have several options: You can choose vibrant or translucent colors to decorate your table or garden.

  • If your curtains are to have bright, light colors, you should choose light pink or cream.
  • Using pastel colored ribbons to contrast the colors will suffice.
  • If you want, you can try curtains with patterns or lace.


It's time to transport your photos back 20 years

It’s time to transport your photos back 20 years. Using old photo frames and black and white prints, your wall will look like it did from your grandparents’ time.

  • Try to make sure the frame is made of wood. In fact, you can use plants or trees if it is outdoors.
  • Use threads, needles or ribbons to hang them up.

Ideas for decorating in vintage style: a bicycle

Ideas for decorating in vintage style: A bicycle

You can be creative and have a bike to decorate or receive guests.

Place some flower arrangements, candles, baskets and even candles in a glass jar and it will look amazing.



Placed in a coffin full of other antiques, these stones make you feel like you have gone back in time. It gives a feminine, but also masculine feel. In reality, everyone likes pearls.

  • We recommend that you place them on a table and around flowers without taking the time to place them perfectly. The goal is to make them look natural.


If you do not want the room to look out of place, it is recommended that you place crockery somewhere. Floral designs and pastel colors are recommended, especially teacups.

Ideas for decorating in vintage style: a cage

Ideas for decorating in vintage style: A cage

Size does not matter: Open cages with candles, flowers or candles give a romantic and calm feel to the room.


If you want your event to be truly unforgettable, we recommend including an antique. For example, old phones, turntables, vinyl records, watches or an old chest are all good options.


lamps hanging inside a lamp shop

When it comes to lighting, dim lights are much better. Less is more!

Avoid filling the place with light, and if it is an enclosed room, you can take advantage of natural light. This creates a peaceful atmosphere and allows you to appreciate the details of the decoration.

Ideas for decorating in vintage style: mirrors

After reading this, you will never waste egg cartons

Mirror is an item you can not do without. Have fun decorating mirrors, painting them with vibrant colors and putting flowers and candles around them.

You can also try to give it a more rustic feel if you glue some pieces of wood to the surrounding edges.

Now that you have the essential list of accessories that you need to give your room a vintage feel, you just need to make your imagination a reality!

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