Recipes Against Intestinal Parasites: These Will Help

If you have intestinal parasites, treat them as soon as possible to get them out of your body and to prevent them from increasing in size and number (they multiply rapidly). Use recipes for intestinal parasites.
Recipes against intestinal parasites: these will help

There are many different names for intestinal parasites. They are known as amoebae, tapeworms, parasites or worms. Do you want recipes for intestinal parasites? Then you should continue reading this article.

Facts about intestinal parasites

Parasites that invade the intestines are grouped in colonies and survive at our expense. They compete for nutrients and food, and can lead to many problems. Intestinal parasites can be microscopic or several inches long. Then we will recommend some recipes for intestinal parasites

The most notable parasites include protozoa or amoebae (which are transmitted via contaminated water), cryptosporidium (when a person’s defenses are down), giardia lamblia (from food, water or feces).

The types of worms that can be seen without a microscope include ancylostoma (which feeds on blood), whipworm (destroys the intestinal walls), giant roundworm (which can measure 30 meters in length and lives in the small intestine), baby worm (mainly attacks children), tapeworm (caused by ingestion of contaminated meat or pork cooked incorrectly).


What types of hazards can lead to intestinal parasites?

  • Weakened immune system 
  • If you eat too much fast food
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Lack of precautions for food safety
  • Contaminated raw food
  • If you do not wash your hands before eating
  • If you do not wash your hands after going to the bathroom
  • If you have a diet with a lack of nutrients
  • By going barefoot in infected areas

What kind of symptoms are associated with intestinal parasites?

  • Anemia
  • General pallor
  • Headache
  • Exhaustion
  • Weight loss
  • Severe cough
  • Grinding of the teeth
  • Fever
  • Lack of appetite
  • Sleeping with open eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Itching around the buttocks or anus
  • Irritable or violent temper

How can I avoid intestinal parasites?

Ensure good personal hygiene

Always wash your hands after going to the bathroom, coming in after you have been out, touching money, before cooking, or after changing your nappy,  and so on.

Have a healthy diet

This way, the immune system will be strong and you will avoid getting parasites. Eat more vitamins C and A.

Boil water

If you are not sure how safe the water is, for example while traveling, it is a good idea to boil it. If you can not do that, drink bottled water and pay close attention to color and taste.

Wash the food

Especially the foods that you eat raw, such as fruits and vegetables. Make sure the meat is well cooked or cooked during cooking.

woman in the kitchen with vegetables

Recipes against intestinal parasites

If you have intestinal parasites, treat them as soon as possible to get them out of your body and to prevent them from increasing in size and number (they multiply rapidly). Use recipes for intestinal parasites.

If the affected person is an adult, they should eat pineapple and garlic for two or three days (once before breakfast and in the middle of the day), and no more. They should also drink two liters of water with a few drops of lemon juice. At the same time, they need to prepare parsley tea and make sure to drink plenty of water during the day.


In this way, the parasites will be weakened and can be eliminated faster. Remember that it is a good idea to stay home during this time, because you will probably have diarrhea. You can reduce this effect by drinking two cups of rice water (the same water you use for boiling, but filtered).

After a few days of detoxification, you need to have a healthy diet for five days. Do not consume white flour, refined sugar, dairy products and fried foods or meat. Continue to drink plenty of water and eat raw vegetables. Rest.

If you treat a child with intestinal parasites, they may eat fresh garlic on an empty stomach. You can crush it and mix it with lemon. Follow this treatment for a week where the child should only eat vegetables and fruits (as much as their appetite allows).

More recipes for intestinal parasites:

Recipe 1


  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 cup warm water

Here’s how to do it

Put the peeled and sliced ​​garlic in warm water and leave it overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

Recipe 2


  • ½ ts thyme
  • ½ ts root of gentian
  • ½ ts bitter chamomile
  • ½ cup of water

Here’s how to do it

Boil the water with the herbs for 10 minutes. Lower the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Drink it on an empty stomach. Repeat for 10 consecutive days (children) or 20 days (adults).


Recipe 3


  • 1 handful of peppermint or mint
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • ¼ cup of milk

Here’s how to do it

Boil peppermint in the water and strain it. Mix with the milk and garlic. Let it cool and drink it immediately. This should be taken before breakfast.


Recipe 4


  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup of warm water

Here’s how to do it

Mix both ingredients and drink it on an empty stomach.

Recipe 5


  • ¼ cup of milk
  • 4 seeds of squash

Here’s how to do it

Grind the seeds and mix them with warm milk. Drink it before breakfast for a week.

Recipe 6


  • ¼ cup of orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons juice from papaya
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Here’s how to do it

Mix everything well and drink it in the morning to eliminate parasites.

Recipe 7

olive oil


  • 2 cups extra virgin olive oil
  • 55 g dried wormwood

Here’s how to do it

Leave both ingredients to soak in a sealed container made of dark glass for 10 days. When ready, take two teaspoons on an empty stomach every day.

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