Natural Treatments For Menstrual Pain

Natural treatments are a healthy alternative to all kinds of health problems, such as menstrual cramps. If you are one of the many who are affected by this, we would strongly recommend you to try some of the treatments that we share in this article.
Natural treatments for menstrual cramps

Today we are going to tell you about some natural treatments for menstrual cramps.

Countless women have had to deal with severe menstrual cramps every month. This pain in the lower abdomen is due to the contractions that occur in the uterus when a mature egg is released. In fact, these contractions are very similar to those seen in pregnant women who give birth.

All of these treatments can help relieve and reduce cramps and other problems such as endometriosis, pelvic infection and uterine muscle lumps.

Want to know more about what these are?

Natural treatments for menstrual cramps

1. Cinnamon

An infusion of cinnamon is highly effective in treating menstrual pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
An infusion of cinnamon is highly effective in treating menstrual pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Cinnamon is one of our first choices on the list of natural treatments for menstrual cramps due to its wonderful anti- inflammatory properties. 

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Take two cinnamon sticks and boil them in 3.5 liters of water.
  2. Turn off the heat as soon as it starts to boil, and let it soak for about 5 minutes.
  3. Drink at least two hot cups of this every day. 

Remember that cinnamon is a spice that goes well with many types of drinks. For example, you can drink milk with cinnamon or add it to cocoa or hot apple cider.

Cinnamon is good for many things, so remember to always have it available in the kitchen and consume it in any form whenever you can. 

2. Treatments for menstrual pain: Lemongrass

Lemongrass, also known as Cymbopogon, is not only a great, natural treatment for menstrual cramps, but it also has an analgesic effect.

The best way to take this treatment is by infusion, which you can drink up to 3 times a day. In addition, you can also drink it just before going to bed to get a deeper sleep.

Its relaxing properties help you calm down and will also help relieve your pain at the same time. This is very important during menstruation.


The benefits of this treatment for menstrual cramps are many, but you need to be careful with excessive intake.
The benefits of this treatment for menstrual cramps are many, but you need to be careful with excessive intake.

Another great natural treatment for menstrual cramps is licorice, which is often used as a spice in many dishes. The taste is quite distinctive and will give your dishes a very original twist.

But what properties make it ideal for relieving cramps?

Licorice is anti-inflammatory. But do not take it too often or in excessive amounts, as it contains a substance called glycyrrhizin which causes discomfort in excess amounts. Therefore, it is best to limit your use to once a day.

  • Drink it as an infusion when you are in pain. You can find it in a ready-made tea form in your local grocery store or health food store, or as rootstocks in some specialty stores.

4. Treatments for menstrual pain: Wormwood

Wormwood is another favorite on our list of natural treatments for menstrual cramps. This herb is sacred to some people due to its medicinal properties. The biggest is that it has an analgesic effect. In fact, it is ideal for relieving abdominal pain, as it also has antibiotic properties. 

  • You will most likely not find this in ready-made tea bags, so look for it on your health food or somewhere they sell herbs, whether raw or dried.
  • Use it as an infusion and drink it 2 to 3 times a day. You will see how quickly your pain subsides after you do this!

More tips

Woman with menstrual cramps
You can significantly reduce your pain by using the previously mentioned natural treatments while applying hot fittings to the affected area.

In addition to using the natural treatments above for menstrual cramps, we will also tell you about some options that enhance the effect of them.

For example , you can put a bag of warm water on your stomach while drinking one of these infusions. You will get relief instantly.

It is also best if you can avoid painkillers. However, if you have other problems such as endometriosis or pelvic infection, you must follow your doctor’s advice. There are cases where infusions alone are not enough, and you do not want pain.

Have you ever tried one of these treatments? Which worked best for you?

We hope we have encouraged you to try them and we also advise you to always listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

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