People Who Think Aloud Are Not Crazy

Do you like to ‘think out loud’? If so, you are not alone … and you are not crazy! People who think aloud are more successful when they reflect on familiar concepts. In addition, they find it easier to concentrate.
People who think aloud are not crazy

“Let’s see, after work I have to train and shop… How do I get there? Oh, and I have to remember to make dinner until 7 pm… “Does this sound familiar to you? Then you are one of those who think aloud.

You can immerse yourself in this conversation with yourself while taking a coffee break in the middle of the day. Then suddenly one of your colleagues shows up.

They start looking at you strangely and then they smile without saying anything or they can make some funny comments.

Many people laugh at people who talk to themselves and think aloud. They think this is a rare thing that only strange people do. Or they may think that this is due to a mental problem.

However, the story is full of geniuses who think aloud. Doesn’t that seem like an indication that this is a false stereotype?

Also, if you have ever tried it, you know it will help you make better decisions. But why? Why is it not enough to think about it? Why do you need to hear it?

Maybe it’s in the last word. Maybe “hearing” is the key.

People who think aloud hear their inner voice

Woman surrounded by speech bubbles

When you go over something that worries you, at least sometimes, something interesting happens.

Suddenly your mind is filled with external thoughts. From your family, your partner, your friends… Everyone has a say and you feel like you are losing your right to judge.

Usually you ask yourself what is happening to you. You ask yourself, “what do I think?” And that is when people who talk to themselves, find the perfect solution from within.

It’s not that you also care about it. It is likely that you are the only one who cares about it.

Because of this, you sometimes have to tell yourself what you think. You should also tell yourself which ideas will influence you.



Thinking aloud lets you know what you want. It also helps you find the way to communicate better. It also gives you the security you need to defend yourself. It gives you determination when you meet others and when you carry out your plan.

It also stimulates your imagination. The most creative people agree that their work is born of an internal and external dialogue.

  • When this conversation takes place loudly, its efficiency increases. This is thanks to the fact that it is being verbalized.
  • So, you can start with a question or a statement. Keep asking questions and continue your search for answers.
  • This is the way people come to different solutions.

A psychological study confirms the benefits of talking to yourself

Brain and speech bubbles

Experts Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swingley developed a study that used 20 participants.

They took them to a supermarket and asked them to find an apple and a loaf of bread.

  • They found that those who said the words out loud had the best results.
  • But they also came to the conclusion that this only happens when the starting point is known.

The brain works better in this situation. This is because its ability to relate to concepts is much better.

  • They also saw this as an effective tool for concentrating. If you think aloud, you hear yourself. By hearing yourself, you get rid of the distractions that surround you.

Because of this, the decisions you make with this tool are very success oriented.

Remember that you, as we say, leave what is known. This is to find something that works better for you.

On this route we can get to a conventional place or vice versa. But when you do, you know exactly what your path was to that point.

So, people who think aloud do not show any kind of weakness.


Instead , they encounter the process of discovery both within and outside themselves. They do this with the greatest concentration and the greatest self-awareness of what they can do.

By doing this, they strengthen their conclusions. At the same time, they make sure that this comes from their own wishes and not from others’ expectations.

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