Get Muscle With This Vegan Diet

One of the best ways to get protein without eating meat, and thus be able to gain muscle without ruining your vegan diet, is to eat seeds and nuts.
Get Muscle With This Vegan Diet

Are you looking for an environmentally friendly lifestyle that benefits both your health, the planet and all beings on earth? Have you decided to follow a vegan diet ? Do you have problems gaining muscle and want a solution that matches your values?

Do not worry. You do not need to eat meat to gain muscle, just introduce some simple changes in your diet.

Discover how to gain muscle with this vegan diet and achieve the toned body you have been dreaming of without many complications.

What is this vegan diet that helps you gain muscle?

This diet depends on two simple recipes that you can include in your regular diet without any problems when you finish the diet.

The smoothie should be included in your breakfast and dinner, while the salad should be the main course of the meal. In themselves, they are very well-balanced recipes that will not cause nutritional deficiencies.

However, we recommend that you follow this diet for a maximum of 4 weeks because you can easily get bored. If you prefer, you can alternate one week with this and one week with your regular diet. You can see that the menu is quite rich.

Smoothie to gain muscle

Strawberry smoothie

This smoothie is very nutritious because it contains good quality natural fats, as well as protein, fruits and vegetables. To ensure that you can follow the vegan diet for a whole month, keep protein powders of different flavors in the cupboard.

This way you can experiment with flavors and avoid getting tired of it.


  • 1 isbit
  • 6 medium-sized strawberries, washed and disinfected
  • 30 g baby spinach leaves, washed and disinfected
  • 15 g protein powder, the flavor you choose
  • 10 almonds
  • 20 g almond or organic and vegan peanut butter
  • 250 ml coconut milk


  • Mix everything in a blender and drink it immediately.

Vegan salad to gain muscle


It is the spices in this salad that make it so tasty. This helps a lot in sticking to the diet. In any case, if you are bored, you can experiment with spices or other aromatic herbs for other varieties.

The only thing you should avoid is adding processed dressings and sauces with too much salt and preservatives. If you prefer to accompany your salad with a dressing, you can prepare one at home with fresh fruit juice and a little oil.

You can also play and try oils from different sources: avocado, sesame, fine herbs, etc.


  • 15 ml of water
  • A pinch of dry thyme
  • 5 g cumin
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • A pinch of freshly ground black pepper
  • 16 ml of olive oil
  • 110 g onion cut into small cubes
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 200 g solid tofu cut into cubes.
  • 30 g washed and disinfected spinach
  • 1 avocado sliced


  • First you have water, thyme, cumin, salt and pepper in a plate or deep bowl and set it aside.
  • Then heat the olive oil in a frying pan.
  • When the oil is hot, sauté the garlic and onion for approx. 5 minutes or until they have a smooth texture.
  • Then add the two-legged dice and let it simmer for approx. 10 minutes.
  • Then add the mixture of water with spices and stir well using a small spoon.
  • Add the spinach leaves and stir for approx. two minutes.
  • Remove everything from the heat and serve.
  • Garnish with avocado slices.

As you can see, these two recipes are very appetizing, simple and very economical because you may already have several of the ingredients.

Include seeds and nuts in all your snacks

Nuts, fruits and berries

These two ingredients contain high quality protein that makes it easier to replace what you do not get from meat. In addition, they are so easy to carry that you have no excuse to leave them at home. They are also very filling, so you only need small amounts.

Some options are:

  • 35 g of pumpkin seeds, which gives you 15 grams of protein.
  • 25 g of almonds, which gives you 10 grams of protein.
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter (30g), which gives you 12 grams of protein.

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