6 Reasons Why You Do Not Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Believe it or not; Drinking soft drinks – which do not help you lose weight at all – can actually increase the amount of fat you have around your stomach and make your waist bigger.
6 reasons why you do not get rid of belly fat

You may ask: how to proceed to get rid of belly fat once and for all? You’ve probably already tried most things; countless diets, strenuous workouts and huge amounts of water. But still the waist is the same size.

Why is this happening to you? Why do not you lose belly fat, when you give the iron? In today’s article, we will explain the reasons for this, and give you a few tips that will help you make progress.

Reasons why you do not get rid of belly fat

1. You are obsessed with getting rid of all the fat from your diet


When it comes to losing weight, you may feel the need to make strict demands on yourself and completely get rid of the temptations to eat fatty foods. But do you really think this is good for you? Will it help if you get rid of every single food that contains fat? No, then you are wrong, and we will explain why.

  • Some fats are healthy and even necessary for the body’s functions, such as unsaturated fatty acids.
  • What people usually end up doing is replacing the fat with carbohydrates, and in the long run this will not help you get rid of belly fat at all.
  • To reduce body weight, you still need an adequate supply of healthy fatty acids. It is found in, among other things, avocados, olive oil and nuts. Eating these every day will help you lose weight. Besides, they taste good!

2. Your state of mind


How do you feel when you go on a diet? Be honest! Usually you experience everything from anxiety to depression. You may find yourself in an emotional chaos, where the desire to improve your physical health and appearance is combined with everyday stress. You can start to sloppy with your diet and even skip meals from time to time. At the very least, you may have the ability to indulge in the things that satisfy you the most.

In a study conducted by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago in the USA, researchers have concluded that it is very common for women who are upset or suffering from depression, to have a significantly greater amount of belly fat than women who do not feel the same. down.

Remember: being aware of your state of mind is just as important as being aware of what you are eating.

3. Have you checked your magnesium values ​​lately?


We’ve talked about how important magnesium is a lot in this blog, but are you aware of how important magnesium can be when you want to lose weight and get rid of belly fat?

  • Magnesium helps balance the body’s values ​​of blood sugar and insulin
  • As you probably already know, you can find magnesium in foods such as almonds and other nuts, vegetables and whole wheat. You can also take supplements that are sold at the pharmacy or in the health food store.

4. Do you drink soft drinks?


Many fall into this trap. When you go on a diet, you may choose “soft drinks” instead of cutting out all soft drinks completely. But did you know that all soft drinks do is put on more belly fat?

Remember: if you are trying to lose weight and get rid of belly fat; Stop drinking soda and never choose soft drinks as an option. It will only make your stomach even bigger!

5. Have you passed 50 and are not training?


When you turn 50, your metabolism has changed a lot and it is no longer as easy to lose weight, even when you have control over what you eat. It is important to combine a healthy diet with daily exercise. Remember that you need to do aerobics exercises – that is, exercises that increase your heart rate and breathing rate.

This type of exercise helps to get rid of belly fat, because the body uses it as an energy source for metabolism when you exercise. So do not hold back – jogging, cycling or just dancing!

6. Do you eat enough “colorful” food?


It may surprise you that you have to choose “colorful” foods to manage a diet. What do we mean by “colorful food”? A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition  found that people who ate red, orange and yellow foods every day, lost more weight and had less belly fat than those who did not.

Want to know what kind of food we mean? Here is a short list

  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Red pepper
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberry
  • Red grapes
  • Pineapple
  • Pumpkin
  • Papaya
  • Carrots

Get motivated today to continue on the diet program in the right way. Getting rid of belly fat is possible, as long as you focus on being motivated and healthy, and stop neglecting your emotions.

Remember that excess fat in the abdomen can be very dangerous to health, and creates a high risk of heart attack.

Why not start today by following these simple tips?

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