9 Tips To Relax In 5 Minutes

Computers and other electronic devices are a constant part of our lives. If you want to relax and sleep better, you should take a break every two hours, and do not use them for an hour before going to bed.
9 tips to relax in 5 minutes

Stress, nerves and anxiety are very harmful to our health. That is why it is so important that we know different ways we can relax. This is especially important if you do not have time for an hour of massage, meditation or yoga.

How can I relax in five minutes?


A short walk, either in the park or in another quiet place, will relax you very quickly. If you are stressed in the office, for example, you can use your hour break to take a short walk around the area. Then you have a few minutes where you can forget your problems, hear the birds singing, look at some nice flowers, etc. It can also help you think about something other than what is bothering you, because walking makes it possible for you to take a step back and reflect.



You may be thinking, “but I always breathe!” But, in this case, we are talking about conscious breathing. The first thing you need to do then is notice the air that enters your lungs, not just as a mechanical function that your body goes through to survive. Breathing is a vital force, and it plays an important role because it nourishes our body, reduces stress levels and gives you oxygen. To relax, take a deep breath (always through your nose). You do not have to go to the park or to a plain, you can relax while sitting in the office. Close your eyes and make yourself comfortable (sitting, lying down or standing). It may help to push down the right nostril and breathe in through the left. Then switch and hold the left nostril as you exhale through the right. This will calm you down quickly.


This means that you should daydream, because this is very relaxing. For example, if you have a hectic day at work, try imagining yourself on a Caribbean beach. Or maybe you prefer a forest walk among trees and flowers. You can also envision your ideal future to reduce your stress levels. But notice your reaction when you do this, because sometimes it can have the opposite effect. So imagine that you are doing something you love and you are guaranteed to be more relaxed.


Have a bite to eat

An empty stomach can increase your stress level and cause nervousness. If you eat something healthy you will not only feel full but happy too. This happens because there is a big connection between what happens in your stomach and what your brain receives. Do not eat fast, but enjoy the food. Choose healthy foods, such as an apple or a small piece of dark chocolate. Avoid foods high in fat and sugar, as this can have the opposite effect.

Do some gardening

This is a very effective way to relax. In addition to providing fresh air that will help you breathe, plants will help you calm your nerves. Set aside some time to water your flowers, weed some weeds and talk a little with your plants. You will quickly notice that your blood pressure goes down and your heart beats slower.

Take a break from the computer

Using your computer for a long period of time (which many of us do) can increase your stress levels. This leads to lack of sleep, depression, nightmares, migraines, muscle aches, etc. Try to take five minute breaks every two or three hours when you are in the office, and avoid sitting in front of the computer or TV when you get home. Try to do something else in the last hour before going to bed, and do not leave the data on overnight if you have it in the bedroom.


Get in touch with nature

Being out in the sun, feeling the grass between your toes, the smell of flowers or a walk on the beach are very relaxing activities. For those struggling with stress, anxiety and depression, being out in nature can reduce symptoms. When you are in a big city, you should try to find a patch of grass or fill your office with plants and flowers.

Give yourself a massage

You do not have to go to a masseur for an hour (although it would have been nice to be able to do every day, of course). If you feel that you are going to explode because of all the tasks you have in front of you, then you can give yourself a little massage. Press down on the point between the index and middle fingers to get rid of tension in the heart. You can also massage the area under the thumb to relax the shoulders and neck. If you have a headache, there is nothing better than making circles in the middle of your forehead, between your eyes.

Listen to music

Music has a calming effect on our mind. But then we are not talking about any genre. We recommend that you listen to instrumental music, classical music or mantra if you want to calm your nerves. Many people choose to listen to this music before going to bed. However, you can also listen to your favorite music (try to avoid quiet or sad songs) to provoke the secretion of natural hormones that will automatically make you relax. You can use headphones to listen to music, or turn on the low volume stereo system, do what works for you.

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