The Value Of Teaching Children To Say Thank You And Please

The value of saying “thank you” for treating another person with respect, and remembering to use the words “please” when asking about something, are precious things that are worth teaching children.
The value of teaching children to say thank you and please

It is possible that you yourself are of a younger generation and that your parents have already taught you to respect other people. That it is necessary to treat them with care, so that you too will be treated in the same way in return. Teaching children these habits is important. So that on a daily basis they will only set good examples and encourage more respectful social behavior that makes tomorrow better for all of us.

Because believe it or not, the slightest movement can fill a universe with emotions. Today we invite you to think more about this.

The value of teaching children the power of saying “thank you”

Saying “thank you”, “good morning” and “please” when asking for something is more than just an act of courtesy.

In fact, it is a way to get children to think outside the box and move away from their early selfishness in order to acknowledge other people and their needs. This is something that must happen as early as six years of age.

Let’s take a closer look.

The moral development of children

One of the most famous authors when it comes to children’s moral development is without a doubt Lawrence Kohlberg.

He was known to say yes, but they usually follow the same pattern in development in terms of awareness, respect and recognition of others.

  • In early childhood, between two and five years, the child is governed only by their reward and punishment. They understand that they must follow the rules imposed on them to receive love and avoid insults or punishment.
  • As they move into the second phase of childhood, the golden age begins. Between six and nine, individualistic egoism gradually diminishes.
  • By the time they are eight to ten, the child is able to understand the concept. That respecting  others results in them receiving respect themselves.
  • It is common for them at this age to act in defense of their friends and siblings. They become aware of what is more than just themselves as individuals.
  • Gradually, they will reach adolescence with a kind of critical “self-righteousness”. They consider certain things like disrespect or injustice.
mutt children

Courtesy that makes it easier to connect with the world

When someone offers a four-year-old child a gift, you usually hear the parents say something like “What do you say then? To this the child will answer, almost reluctantly or quietly: ” Thank you”.

  • It does not matter how many times you repeat it. There will come a time when it will not only be automatic, but they will understand what it means.
  • When they say “please” to someone, they may find that their peer offers it to them with a smile. In turn, when they say “thank you”, the other child will respond with joy.
  • All of this creates powerful connections that are based on positive emotions.
  • The transition from forced to spontaneous and willing behavior is a wonderful process that will change their lives forever.
  • Positive gestures provide warmth, and when you treat others with respect, it will make things easier.

The power of a respectful upbringing

There is no doubt that you have already heard of the term “respectful upbringing”. It is a concept that has been taken up by the authors William Sears and John Bowlby.

  • This interesting idea emphasizes the need to create a child’s natural adaptation to his environment. To encourage empathy and emotional bonds that will allow them to better understand the world around them. Including other people and themselves.
  • Respectful upbringing means teaching children and encouraging a healthy connection between parents and children with physical closeness, hugs, positive words and continuous communication.
  • Positive words are the key to this type of development.
  • This is why you should try to promote your child’s upbringing based on positive reinforcement.  By teaching children the need to give thanks, to say please, to be patient, and to respect the right time for the child to acquire this kind of knowledge.
  • Respectful upbringing claims that positive emotions have more power than negative ones. The brain is constantly looking for the type of stimuli that will help you learn to survive and adapt better.

Teaching children to say “good morning”, “please” and to thank others will give positive reinforcement. That is something they will continue to say.

It’s worth remembering.

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