Surprising Medicinal Water Of Aubergines

If you want to promote weight loss and lose belly fat, you can combine a balanced diet, regular exercise and water of aubergines to optimize results.
Surprising medicinal water of aubergines

Eggplant is a very unique vegetable, thanks to its medicinal use and its high concentration of nutrients. It may be interesting to know that people have long avoided eating eggplants because they thought they were poisonous. But eventually people began to include them in their diet in many different cultures around the world, and they found that eggplants are not only safe to eat, but one can also make medicinal water from eggplants. They are healthy and easy to grow in most environments.

Eggplant is not limited to just being an ingredient in various recipes. Its very high content of antioxidants and powerful chlorogenic acid means that eating eggplants can also help control high levels of cholesterol, fight the effects of free radicals, and help you lose weight.

Most people still do not know how good medicinal water of eggplant can be for your health. That is why in today’s article we want to talk about their many medical uses in detail, and these you can take advantage of on a regular basis. Some of them will definitely surprise you!

Lower cholesterol

2-blood circulation

High cholesterol is one of the many complications often associated with cardiovascular problems today.

Although one usually needs the help of a doctor to control the cholesterol, there are some natural alternatives that can support its reduction, including water of eggplant.

An active substance called chlorogenic acid is what gives you benefits in this case, in that it helps promote the removal of harmful lipids from the blood.

Medicinal water of eggplant also contains flavonoids that prevent other heart problems related to high cholesterol.


The same chlorogenic acid that we discussed above also has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties that treat a number of ailments, including rheumatism and arthritis.

People suffering from these conditions can drink medicinal water of eggplant every day to improve their quality of life.

Fluid accumulation

One of the main reasons why medicinal water of eggplants is so popular when it comes to weight loss is that it is a powerful diuretic, which means that it helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Fluid retention is often the reason why you may suddenly look much heavier than normal.

Eliminate belly fat

3-belly fat

This may seem impossible, but it is actually one of the main benefits of water of aubergines. Many years ago, researchers found that eggplant water is ideal for people who want to burn extra fat, lose weight, and improve their figure.

Some of the benefits are explained by the diuretics’ diuretic and cleansing properties that help eliminate waste from the body, which promotes weight loss.

Medicinal water of eggplant also means that the liver and gallbladder will function normally, and both of these play an important role in regulating metabolism.

Women who want to lose weight around the abdomen, or simply want to lose weight in general, can include medicinal water of aubergines to their daily diet and exercise plan.

How do you make medicinal water from eggplants?


It is very easy to prepare this medicinal drink, and best of all, it takes very little time.


  • 1 medium-sized eggplant
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of half a lemon

Here’s how to do it

  • Wash the eggplant well and cut it into small pieces. Boil the liter with water and add the eggplant carefully.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes, until eggplant has softened. Remove from the heat and let stand for at least an hour.
  • Strain the liquid and discard the remaining eggplant pieces.
  • Add the lemon juice and stir well to ensure it is completely mixed. Store the medicinal water of eggplant in a dark glass.

Note: the water in which you cook the aubergine may have a slightly bitter or unpleasant taste. To avoid this , you can put the eggplant in a bowl with a little rock salt before cooking it.

After a while, the salt will take on a dark color. This is what gives the eggplant the bitter taste.

Finally, wash the eggplant thoroughly to remove all the remnants of salt, then follow the recipe we gave above.

How should you consume it?

You can drink water of eggplant a few times during the day. Have your first cup before breakfast.  The second after lunch, another around mid-afternoon, and the last before dinner.

Try this treatment for seven days in a row, once or twice a month.

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