4 Types Of Potpourri In Bags That You Can Put In Your Closet

It is common for the closet to sometimes smell stinky and stuffy. Fortunately, it is easy to make potpourri in bags that you can put in cabinets and drawers.
4 types of potpourri in bags that you can put in your closet

Drawers and cabinets can easily retain bad odors due to the accumulation of dust and moisture. These odors can affect your clothes inside. Although there are many commercial air purifiers you can use, you can also make some types of potpourri in bags with some simple ingredients. 

Below we will explain how to make four different types of potpourri bags.

Potpourri in bags to enhance the smell in your closet

There are a few ways you can improve the smell in your closet.

First, you need to ventilate it regularly. Letting the air circulate will help with the overall smell in your closet.

You can also clean your closet thoroughly and remove any dust, mildew or other dirt. 

To ensure that your closet maintains a pleasant odor daily, you can make some small bags of potpourri with plants and other fragrant ingredients to put in the closet. They are easy to make and mostly include ingredients that you probably already have at home.

1. Potpourri in bags: apples and cinnamon

Potpourri in bags: Cinnamon and apple.
Thanks to its characteristic aroma, cinnamon is great against bad smells and repels insects.

Do you like the delicious smell of cinnamon?

If you do, this potpourri is for you! Potpourri in bags of apples and cinnamon will improve the smell in your closet immediately. The combination of these two ingredients creates a natural air purifier that has a neutralizing effect on bad smells in enclosed areas.


  • Apple peel
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • Cloth bags

This is what you do

  • First, peel the apple and let the peel dry in the sun.
  • Once it has dried, cut it into pieces and keep it in a cloth bag along with the cinnamon sticks.
  • Place the bags in the corners of the cabinet or drawers.
  • If you want to keep the smell strong, you can change the bag at least once a week. 

2. Potpourri in bags: citrus

The strong smell of citrus fruits is also perfect for removing bad smells in your closet.

In addition, they are perfect for other areas as well, such as the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom. They are also very cheap and ward off moths and other insects.


  • Orange peel
  • Lemon peel
  • 1/4 cup rice (50 g)
  • Cloth bags

This is what you do

The advantage of potpourri in bags like this is that the rice will absorb moisture. Therefore, it is one of the best options for neutralizing bad odors in the home.

  • First, dry the peel of the citrus fruits.
  • Then cut them into several pieces and put them in the cloth bag.
  • Then add the rice to the bag and close it.
  • Finally, place the bag in the desired location. You can make several bags and put them in each corner of the closet as well as other rooms in the house.

3. Potpourri in bags: aromatic herbs

Potpourri in bags: Aromatic herbs.
You can mix your favorite herbs to create an aroma that you like.

Fragrant herbs such as lavender, rosemary and thyme are great for removing bad odors. You can put them in your closet to enhance the smell and also to repel insects.


  • 0.5 cup of fragrant herbs that you like (you can use only one type of herb or many different)
  • 5 clover
  • 1/4 cup rice (50 g)
  • A cloth bag

This is what you do

  • First, cut up the herbs and put them in the cloth bag.
  • Then add rice and clover to the bag.
  • Finally, place the bag in the corner of the closet.

4. Potpourri in bags: scented candles

If you have always wanted to use the remnants of scented candles for something, you have an opportunity here. You can make very simple potpourri in bags. All you have to do is dry the molten wax.


  • Dried wax from scented candles (at least 50 g)
  • Cloth bags

This is what you do

  • First, collect the dried wax and crush it.
  • Then put it in cloth bags and tie again.
  • Finally, put the bag in your closet.
  • The best use of these is by placing them in different corners of the cabinet to make the scent last longer.

Do any of these sound like something you want to make?

Choose the bags that are best for you. You will be able to notice the difference in the closet smell immediately and without having to use chemical air purifiers.

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