Two Recipes For Tasty Homemade Tiramisu

Cooking tiramisu is not as difficult as you might think. You just need the right ingredients, then just follow the recipe step by step. The end result will be really tasty!
Two recipes for tasty homemade tiramisu

Coffee is the star ingredient in many desserts, such as pies, cakes, mousses, creams and an infinite number of several dishes. In this article you will discover everything you need to prepare a delicious, traditional, homemade tiramisu.

Keep reading to learn two great recipes!

What is tiramisu?

Tiramisu is a  cold, layered dessert that is usually prepared with coffee and liqueur. Some variations of this recipe include chocolate or fruit. In fact, you can also make a homemade tiramisu with biscuits or savoiard biscuits soaked in espresso coffee.

The dessert originates from the 50’s in Venice, Italy. The name comes from the Italian words ” tira mi su”,  which loosely translated means ” give me a boost”  (this is of course where coffee and sugar come into play!).

Without further ado, enjoy these two delicious tiramisu recipes.

Homemade tiramisu

Homemade tiramisu

Although this dessert was traditionally not made with liqueur, you should try to have in a little. This will  make it taste better when combined with coffee.

In addition, you should also add mascarpone cheese, which is a traditional ingredient in tiramisu nowadays. You can also add other ingredients as you wish.


  • 480 grams of mascarpone cheese
  • 360 grams of savoiard biscuits
  • 6 eggs
  • 240 grams of sugar
  • 120 grams of cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (8 grams)
  • 240 grams extra strong coffee (2 cups)
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract (15 ml)
  • Plastic foil

How to make the cream

  • The first thing you need to do is boil some water.
  • At the same time, separate the eggs and set them aside.
  • Then, take the eggs and keep them in a steel bowl with a little sugar and vanilla extract. Whisk until frothy.
  • Afterwards,  place the bowl over the kettle that is almost boiling, and continue to whip.
  • Gradually add the liqueur so that it mixes with the rest.
  • Finally, take the bowl off the heat and whip a little more before setting the cream aside.
  • Cover with some plastic wrap

How to assemble the titram mass

Tiramisu with berries
  • First, mix the cheese with the cream you made until you get a fluffy mixture.
  • Then, beat the egg whites stiff, and add a little salt and sugar while whisking.
  • Now, mix the cream and egg whites. You can use a spatula.
  • Boil water to make the coffee. When done, allow to cool slightly.
  • Dip savoyard biscuits into the coffee.
  • Furthermore, take a cake pan and place several layers of savoiard biscuits, coffee, and cream until you have used up all the ingredients.
  • Finally, sprinkle some cocoa powder on top of the tiramisu and  put it in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Finally, serve and enjoy with friends and family!

Homemade tiramisu with fewer calories

We know that many people can not eat desserts with lots of calories. Because of this, we have decided to  share a lighter version of homemade tiramisu  so that you can enjoy this dessert without the subsequent guilt.


  • 360 grams of savoiard biscuits soaked in coffee
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons powdered milk
  • 60 grams of stevia
  • 1 tablespoon yeast (15 grams)
  • 240 grams of light cream cheese
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (15 grams)
  • 125 ml milk
  • Cocoa powder for decoration

This is what you do

  • First, beat the egg yolks with powdered milk, cornmeal and stevia. Put the mixture in the microwave for three minutes, until everything is well mixed.
  • Transfer the mixture to a steel bowl and place it over a water bath until it thickens.
  • Afterwards, mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl (except for the savoiard biscuits soaked in coffee) and put them in the microwave for about three minutes.
  • Take out a cake pan and add several layers of savoiard biscuits and cream until it is empty.
  • Finally, have some cocoa powder on top and  put it all in the fridge for two hours.
  • Serve the tiramisu and enjoy it!

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