Refined Sugar Can Help Cancer Cells Grow

Tumor cells need more sugar than normal cells. Once they occur in the body, they depend on a regular supplement of glucose to continue growing.
Refined sugar can help cancer cells grow

Did you know that refined sugar can help cancer cells grow? Read this article to learn more about how sugar and other foods affect cancer cells.

There are many factors that help determine whether different types of cancer occur or not. But there is one thing they all have in common. For many decades, researchers have focused their studies on the relationship between diet and cancer. They have come to a conclusion; that some types of food increase the risk of getting this horrible disease.

Among the main groups of foods related to the spread of cancer are refined sugars. This food is found in most homes and we humans love to eat it because of the sweet taste.

Refined sugar – a carcinogenic food?

According to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, refined sugar is a major health risk, so high that it should be considered as toxic as alcohol and tobacco. Several different studies have shown that regular sugar intake contributes to more than 35 million deaths each year. This is because sugar, in addition to being closely linked to diabetes, can also be linked to serious diseases such as cancer.

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Among the harmful effects sugar intake has are: diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypoglycemia, heartburn, and heart disease. When it comes to the link between the spread of cancer, sugar is still the main theme of many research projects and experiments. Over time, these studies have found an important relationship between cancer spread and sugar intake.

Experts in medicine have all along supported the idea that the intake of certain types of food and the spread of cancer is “weak,” because they have not yet found valid medical patterns that can support such a context. The debate on the subject continues. Many researchers, doctors and alternative practitioners have found that an effective, safe and economical way to treat cancer is to cut down on certain types of food, including glucose. This strategy is intended to “starve” the cancerous tumors by changing the diet, which thus becomes the key to winning the battle against cancer.

One of the first groups to discover that sugar can help cancer was the researchers at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Utah. In a study published in the journal  Proceedings  The study also explains how this process occurs and how the patient can regulate sugar intake as a way to control the growth of the cancerous tumor. 


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On the other hand, a research study conducted by Dr. Thomas Graeber and his colleagues, published in 2012 in the journal Molecular Systems Biology,  proves  that  depriving cancer cells of glucose results in the cells dying due to toxic accumulation of species that react with oxygen.

Intake of refined sugar may have an important association with cancer. In addition to being one of the reasons why cancer occurs, it can cause the cancer cells to grow when the patient already has the disease. These findings should definitely be a part of any cancer cure, as they could potentially help improve outcomes. When cancer cells first appear in the body, they are dependent on regular glucose supplements to grow.

Everyone can do their part to prevent cancer and get rid of the obvious ‘bad guys’, such as refined sugar. Although it is clear that diet is not the only factor that contributes to the onset of this disease, it still plays an important role.

We should all be aware of the damage we may inflict on our bodies by consuming too many carcinogenic foods. Therefore, we must try to reduce our intake or completely cut it out of the diet. Remember that this sugar is found in a lot of the food we eat as usual: including cakes, sweets, biscuits, desserts, some cereals and sauces.

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