How To Start Training Again After A Long Break

It is said that the most important thing is to get through the first week of training, and the first month is often the hardest. Whether you have injured yourself, had children, married or started school, it becomes more difficult to maintain training.
How to start exercising again after a long break

Are you struggling to start exercising again? Maybe you have injured yourself, just had a child, changed jobs or moved. Whatever the reason, it’s been weeks or months since you last trained. Every time you try to put in place a training program, it just gets harder and harder. Why that, really? Maybe you feel weaker than last time you trained. Maybe you are not as agile as before.

Everything mentioned above may be true, but in the end you just have to bite your teeth together and start training again. If you are struggling to get started, you should read today’s article! Learn how to start exercising again after a long break.

The first step is always the heaviest

It is said that the most important thing is to get through the first week of training, and the first month is often the hardest. Whether you have injured yourself, had children, married or started school, it becomes more difficult to maintain training. You may take a break from exercise and hope that in time your body will scream for exercise, and just then you know when you need to start exercising again.

As mentioned earlier, the hardest part is deciding to start exercising again. It may be because you thought you were never in good shape to begin with, even though you may have been training for years.

But, once you get started with a plan, training becomes almost an automated task. Enduring the first week is the most important thing. If you persevere for a month, it will be difficult to interrupt your training again.


To help you take the first step, we remind you that exercise is synonymous with good health. Not only does it help you lose weight, but it strengthens the heart and condition, cleanses the bloodstream, relieves stress and anxiety, etc.

Tips to help you train again

Check out the following tips that will help you get started with your exercise program after a long “sleep”.

Exercise for the right reasons

Everyone has a motive for exercising. You are the only one who knows yours, and you must have the motive ready for you before you start training again.

Start small

Do not start where you left off when you left. If you ran 3 kilometers per day, you should rather start by running a couple of blocks. Be patient and do not overdo it. By starting small, you will be able to increase the length you run, the degree of difficulty of the training and how much weight you are able to lift. Gradual increase will motivate you to continue.

If you trained at a high level, it will not hurt to be a beginner again, at least a few days. In a month’s time you will be at the intermediate level again and closer to the goal of reaching the same level as you were before.

Be realistic

It is important that you accept the fact that you will not be in good shape after a month-long break. Although you will enjoy the benefits of starting to exercise again, there is no miracle cure for getting in good shape. If you have gained weight and are in poor condition, you must understand that it is a result of the long break. Do not let the bad starting point tempt you to give up.

Woman running on the beach

Write training in the calendar

Stop making excuses that you do not have time to exercise. If you organize your daily chores, you will have time to exercise two to three times a week for one hour per session. Think about your previous training program. What days and times did you train? Is it possible that you can train at similar times now?

Vary the training

It will be able to motivate you considerably. Exercising exercises that are fun, but also do well double the benefits of exercise! It also prevents the training from becoming boring. Try different exercises every day or every week. For example, you can walk on a treadmill on Mondays, lift weights on Tuesdays, cycle on Wednesdays and jog on Thursdays or the like. This is a proper training program you want just as well.

Make sure you get enough rest

Take a break one day after a hard session. Remember that the break can only apply for one day, unless it is a weekend. If you are sick, you should not be too strict with yourself and do not go to the gym. Exercising while you are sick is not good for you or your loved ones. You can afford to miss a workout, but the miss must be a one-time event and not a rule.


Get yourself a training partner

Exercising with others is something completely different than exercising alone. The person you are training with can be a friend, your spouse, siblings or a colleague. Exercising with others can be a motivator, and is much more fun than exercising alone. Remember to exercise – do not chatter! You can always do that after the session is over.

Have realistic goals

Do not try to master everything the first day. It will be impossible. The goals you set for yourself must be goals you can actually achieve. Then you will have better self-confidence and not lose heart. Exercise should be a pleasure – not torture.

Give yourself rewards

Every time you achieve a goal, you should give yourself a reward (something small!). Examples of rewards are a trip to the cinema or a new item of clothing. Training should pay off, and rewards will motivate you to continue training and achieve more goals. Right now you need all the motivation you can get, so having a small reward system is a good idea.

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