Lightly Made Natural Homemade Yoghurt

Making your own yogurt at home is the healthiest way to do it without worrying about harmful additives. Learn how in this article!
Easy-to-make natural homemade yoghurt

If there is one thing that the gut flora loves, it is yogurt. The smooth, fresh texture that tastes good also gives your body many kinds of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. But why pay to buy it in the store when you can make your own natural homemade yogurt?

They say that if you want things done right, you have to do it yourself. Do you want light, cheap and homemade yoghurt? Make it yourself! Yogurt is no more than fermented milk. In other words, it is made up of millions of bacteria that are converted to lactic acid.

If you make it at home, you can control what is included in it, especially sugar and preservatives. The idea is that it should be good for you and for you to feel confident that you are not eating additives.

Commercial options fill them with artificial colors and flavors to attract us, but how real is that? There is nothing like mixing the creamy texture with fruit and watching the colors mix. But do not worry! If you’m not exactly a chef, that’s ok. We have a super easy recipe for you. There are three simple steps: warm up, mix together and wait. It practically makes itself!


homemade yogurt
  • 2 liters of whole milk
  • 1/2 cup natural sugar-free yoghurt (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (10 g)


  • Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it. Do not let it boil, as it will change the taste of the yogurt. Keep it at 90 ºC for 10 minutes to pasteurize it.
  • Just before it reaches boiling point, remove from the heat and allow to cool. Use a thermometer to check that it is approx. 40 ºC. If you do not have a thermometer, keep your little finger in the milk. If you can count to 20 seconds without burning yourself, it’s there!
  • Add the sugar and stir.
  • Then add the yoghurt and beat well until everything is completely mixed.
  • Pour everything into a bowl and cover it with aluminum foil, and then wrap it all in a kitchen towel.
  • Leave the bowl covered for 4 hours to ferment.
  • Remove the foil and drain the liquid, then stir in the mixture with a spoon.
  • Finally, transfer it to a container with a lid and leave it in the fridge overnight.
  • When you wake up, your yogurt will be ready!


  • The yogurt and milk should be fresh.
  • When you add the yoghurt , the milk should not get cold, because the bacteria need heat, but it should also not be too hot, because it will kill them.
  • Do not interrupt the process for any reason once it is covered.

The benefits of natural homemade yogurt

homemade yogurt
  • Natural homemade yogurt contains nutrients such as potassium, vitamin A, phosphorus and calcium.
  • It provides high levels of protein and probiotics.
  • In addition, it does not contain additives, preservatives or artificial flavors.
  • Because it is a good source of calcium, it prevents osteoporosis.
  • It improves digestion and increases metabolism.
  • Natural yogurt strengthens your immune system.
  • It cleanses the intestinal flora and allows it to absorb nutrients better.
  • In addition, it even prevents anemia.
  • It lowers the cholesterol in your blood and reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • Because it goes through the fermentation process, the milk is also fermented, and therefore it is good for lactose intolerant people.
  • It helps with gastritis and constipation.
  • It prevents diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain.
  • Natural homemade yogurt is good for your skin, helps you get rid of toxins and is even good as a face mask: it nourishes, repairs and disinfects your skin.

There’s more!

  • Probiotics balance lymphocytes and keep the intestines balanced as well. This is in addition to regulating the production of cytokines, which are responsible for controlling cell function. This helps with allergies, especially in the summer.
  • It helps you lose weight.
  • Vaginal infections? Thanks to the lactobacillus produced during the fermentation of the yoghurt, it prevents bacteria from multiplying in the event of a yeast infection.
  • Yogurt is great after exercise, since the high amounts of protein and carbohydrates in it help to repair the muscles and release the accumulated energy.
  • Smile! Lactic acid is responsible for keeping the gums healthy. Since it is a natural yogurt, you do not have to worry about cavities.

Do you need more reasons to make your own homemade yogurt? Try it today!

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