Dry Shampoo: Benefits And How To Use It

Dry shampoo is one of the most popular cosmetic products in the world because it is easy to use and gives amazing immediate results. Despite this, you should use it in moderation to avoid problems.
Dry shampoo: Benefits and how to use it

Dry shampoo is a product that cleanses the hair without water. You can use it to clean your hair when you do not have access to a regular bath, or if for some reason you do not want to shower your hair.

The ingredients in dry shampoo remove sebum, impurities and bad smells that sometimes build up on the scalp. Some even claim that this product facilitates styling. Dry shampooing can stop the need to wash your hair just as often while still enjoying clean, shiny and powerful curls.

Benefits of using dry shampoo

This product has many benefits, which is why it has become very popular in recent years. The first benefit is that it cleanses the hair quickly when you need it. Other benefits of using dry shampoo are that it can help you avoid washing your hair too often, as this can dry it out.

As for the hair itself, it makes it look more mobile and voluminous. In the same way, it makes the hair more manageable by facilitating styling, without damaging or aggravating the hair follicles if you use it in moderation. This is because it absorbs excess oil that builds up in the scalp.

Dry shampoo is almost always made with environmentally friendly ingredients. In fact, you can even make your own homemade dry shampoo with readily available ingredients. There are special formulas for colored hair that highlight the desired color if this is your goal.

Powdered dry shampoo.
Some benefits of dry shampoo are how easy it is to use and the fact that it is environmentally friendly.

Types of dry shampoo

Before we give you some tips on how to use this product, you should know that you can find many different types in the market. The most common are the following:

  • Powder form. This variant is similar to talc. You only apply it to the roots to remove excess sebum.
  • Cream. You need to apply this on the entire scalp. It gives a more natural result which also makes styling easier. However, it is not a good option for oily hair.
  • Aerosol. Applied to the roots. The spray bottle facilitates even distribution.
  • For colored hair. It comes with a touch of dye to cover any imperfections or bumps.
  • Environmentally friendly. It has natural ingredients that protect both the hair and the environment.

Recommended application method

The proper procedure for applying this type of shampoo consists of three phases: application, fixation and brushing. The whole process takes between 15 and 25 minutes. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • If you are going to use powdered or aerosol dry shampoo, use it only on the scalp and on areas that look very oily or dirty. If you are going to use a cream, apply it on the scalp and spread it over the hair.
  • You should spray aerosol dry shampoo from a distance of about 15 cm from the scalp.
  • If you want to make your hair more voluminous, apply more product to the roots.
  • It is a good idea to move your hair with your fingers while applying it.
  • Let the product work for 5 to 15 minutes, unless the label indicates otherwise.
  • After that time, gently massage the scalp and brush the hair to remove residue. You can use a hair dryer on the cold setting for this last step.

The best time to use dry shampoo is before bedtime. On the one hand, it helps to absorb sweat that can be produced at night better. On the other hand, in the morning, you just need to fix your hair and brush it as usual.

Can you replace regular shampooing with dry shampoo?

Dry shampoo does not work as a substitute for washing hair. Yes, it helps to hide dirt and makes the hair look clean and beautiful. However, it does not provide good hygiene.

This product provides a temporary aesthetic solution, but it does not clean the hair. Traditional hair washing removes bacteria and balances the scalp’s natural pH, so it is irreplaceable. It is best to use this product between regular hair washes.

When is it advisable to use dry shampoo?

We can say that dry shampoo is an excellent alternative when you are in a hurry or do not have enough time to fix your hair. It is an emergency solution that is useful in these cases.

For example, it is also excellent when you are on a long trip that does not allow you to wash your hair as you normally would. It can also be used if you have an appointment you want to look your best until after you have been to the gym.

This type of shampoo is an option for those who have oily or dry hair. This is because it allows you to prevent a dirty and deteriorating appearance without having to wash your hair too often. It also helps the hair look more voluminous in addition to making styling easier.

A woman who styles her hair.
Different types of dry shampoo suit different hair situations.

The main disadvantages of this hair product

Not everything is positive with dry shampoo. First of all, you should be aware that it is not real shampoo, in the strict sense of the word. Therefore, it does not clean your hair.

In the same way, it is important to keep in mind that this product, especially in aerosol form, may contain ingredients that damage the hair follicles. Some even contain alcohol.

If you use it too often or do not wash your hair in the usual way for a long time, the hair follicles can become clogged. This can lead to an infection called folliculitis. It can also cause dandruff or inflammation such as seborrheic dermatitis.

Be careful

You need to make sure that the dry shampoo you use does not contain asbestos. This is a component that many powdered products, such as talc, contain. Prolonged exposure to asbestos has been linked to some cancers.

There is evidence that using this type of product with a hair dryer is harmful to the scalp, as it dries it out. Therefore, to avoid problems, it is best to use dry shampoo in moderation.

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