How To Move On When Nothing Makes Us Happy

When there is nothing that makes us happy, we should not lose our composure. It is best to move forward little by little and make small changes that give us a sense of well-being, even minimally
How to move on when nothing makes us happy

There are times when nothing makes us happy. The world loses its luster, songs lose their music and we are no longer infected by the joy of those around us. Moving on in the critical moments is not easy if we do not find a good enough reason to get up every day. However, the reason is easy to see: it’s you.

When we do not take care of our emotional needs and let others surround and capture us in a way that suffocates us, takes our energy and controls our lives, our world is turned upside down.

They may try to cheer us up with the old adage ” time heals all wounds”,  but if we do not take the reins of what is happening in our own personal universe, encouragement and pats on the back will not do any good. There are many times when virtually nothing makes us happy. But we can not let a bad moment turn into a bad life.

We’ll tell you what to do.

Coping strategies when nothing makes us happy

If nothing makes us happy and we have been in a bad mood for more than three months, with insomnia, lack of appetite and a feeling of apathy towards anything that uses to interest us, we recommend that you talk to your doctor.

You may suffer from depression and you should always get a diagnosis and follow the guidance of a professional according to your needs. Once we have rejected or confirmed that it is not a deeper psychological problem, it is necessary to reflect on the following dimensions and try to practice them every day.


Respect your rhythms: The world has slowed down

You do not have to feel good and you can not or should not pretend otherwise. What good is it to smile and wear a mask when what we feel is sadness and apathy?

  • Do not falsify what you feel, then you will only intensify your suffering.
  • You have the right to live in this fragile moment of sadness. Believe it or not, negative emotions have a purpose, which is to make us see that “there is something we need to change”  to better adapt to our environment.

Respect this slower rhythm that body and mind need now. You need time for introspection, to ask yourself questions and to find out what’s going on inside you.

Leave what you feel and discover what you need

You know you’re not feeling well, with moments of sadness followed by frustration, and then others where you just want to sleep, and later, you need to talk to someone. Well, given that you are aware of the complex emotional roller coaster you are on, it’s time to put your emotions aside to identify what you need.

  • I need to get better.
  • I need some time alone.
  • I need to find new dreams.
  • I have to start again.
  • I want to feel useful.
  • I want to give myself the love I deserve.
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Small daily changes

No one starts to feel better from one moment to the next, or from one day to the next. By changing our thinking little by little and making small changes, we work towards a greater well-being every day.

  • Today I will take a long trip, which I will enjoy to the fullest.
  • Today I am going to control my negative thoughts.
  • Today I am going to hang out with some friends and try to talk about future plans.
  • Today I will make myself a priority, to give myself time and enjoyable moments.
  • Today I am going to start a long-term project: I want to sign up for a course, or plan a trip.

These small changes in our daily routines create important emotional improvements that will gradually rebuild our well-being.

To be happy, give up some things

Sometimes we need to be able to sacrifice something or relationships with people in order to be happy. All this means an act of courage that is not always easy to accomplish.

We need to learn to listen to our needs and our conscience. If we realize that our surroundings distance us from our essence, we also give up our happiness.

  • Giving up is learning to close circles and end phases. It is knowing how to recognize what is no longer important, what no longer makes us happy and what makes us feel bad.
  • You must also keep in mind that sometimes no one is responsible for our unhappiness. Sometimes it is our own fear and insecurity that closes the doors to our well-being.

Learn to spot these sources of internal sabotage and defeat them. It will always be worth the effort.

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