8 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking Immediately

In addition to affecting the airways, smoking can lead to much more serious problems, such as bone breakdown and even cancers other than lung cancer.
8 reasons why you should quit smoking right away

Smoking continues to be a modern habit. Despite the warnings about what it does to your body, there are millions of people who do not want to quit smoking and continue to do so every day.

This addiction, caused by nicotine, one of the main components in cigarettes, is one of the factors that play a role in the resulting chronic diseases, and thousands of deaths.

Although many are ignorant, cigarettes contain more than 19 chemical compounds with toxic properties that affect the cell activity and tissues of your body.

Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes it as one of the biggest threats to public health, and warns that more than half of smokers die from it.

Since so many people are not aware of the risks they are exposed to, we dedicate this article to 8 reasons why everyone should quit this habit.

Why you should quit smoking right away

1. It increases the risk of diabetes


First of all, you should stop smoking because the toxins in cigarettes can disrupt processes that convert sugar into energy, and significantly increase the risk of diabetes.

These substances also prevent your body from using insulin well enough, which leads to the accumulation of glucose.

2. It causes infections

Smokers are very likely to get all kinds of infections. This is not only because the respiratory system is compromised, but also because their immune system is weaker than a healthy person.

Excessive smoking destroys the mucous membranes and prevents the blockage of infectious substances, which makes it easier to get infections.

In addition , people who are exposed to passive smoking also have a weaker immune system, even if they do not smoke themselves.

3. It affects the health of your eyes

Reasons to quit smoking

Over time, toxins kept in your body from smoking can cause macular degeneration.

This disease causes permanent blurred vision, and in more severe cases it can lead to blindness.

The risk is greater for active smokers, especially if they have other risk factors.

4. It increases the risk of cancer

It is no secret that smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. The toxins have a direct effect on the health of the cell, and eventually cause abnormal cell growth.

What some people may not know is that it is not just lung cancer. In addition , smoking can cause other aggressive types of cancer.

Smoking is also linked to:

  • Stomach cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Cervical cancer

5. It damages your brain

Why you should quit smoking

You should also stop smoking because the accumulation of toxic residues in the blood from smoking can trigger a number of negative reactions in your brain.

These substances, which are transported through the blood, disrupt the oxygenation process in the cells, and affect concentration and memory.

Daily smoking is also linked to oxidative stress, which is responsible for weakening the membranes of brain cells.

6. It causes premature aging

The negative effects of smoking can be seen in your skin. After prolonged smoking, you get early wrinkles and other signs of aging.

The toxic substances affect the regeneration of cells, and the mechanisms that maintain the skin’s natural moisture.

In addition, since it causes free radicals to accumulate, it can also lead to premature aging in your internal organs.

7. It makes the legs weaker


Smoking is a habit that can play a role when it comes to premature breakdown of the bones in the body, as it makes it more difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients it needs to stay strong.

In addition to the high toxin content,  bone density becomes weaker  and you can develop chronic problems such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

8. It causes problems with the teeth

The components of cigarettes not only noticeably break down your tooth enamel ; they can also lead to dental diseases.

  • Tar, one of the toxins, makes  teeth yellow and makes holes.
  • It weakens your teeth and – in large quantities – it can cause your teeth to fall out.
  • Among other things, it is worth mentioning that smoking causes bad breath and damages your gums.

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