Two Ingredients For Removing Intestinal Toxins

To promote the cleansing of toxins from your gut, in addition to this treatment, it is essential that you drink at least two liters of water a day
Two ingredients to remove intestinal toxins

Researchers estimate that by the age of 70, your intestines have processed more than 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluid, including about 8 kilograms of toxic waste. All this builds up in the digestive organs of your body. This can be transported to the bloodstream, where it can lead to serious health problems. Constipation, changes in metabolism and skin diseases are some of the signs that your gut is full of toxins. Although your body is able to remove intestinal toxins and waste products on its own, it can sometimes become overloaded, and these substances begin to build up.

Fortunately, there are several natural ways for you to eliminate intestinal toxins without worrying about any side effects.

In today’s article we will share an effective and healthy remedy for removing intestinal toxins, which requires only two ingredients.

How to remove intestinal toxins?

All you need to detoxify your gut is flaxseed and kefir. Both of these ingredients are low in calories and contain effective nutrients that are beneficial for your digestion and gut health. So as not to leave any doubt as to what this remedy can do for you, we will review the benefits in detail.

The benefits of flaxseed


Flaxseed is a small seed that is characterized by a high fiber content along with essential omega 3 fatty acids. It contains 40% dietary fiber, one third is soluble and the rest is insoluble. It also contains phytochemicals such as lignans, which protect the cells from oxidative stress.

Flaxseed has long been used as a supplement to remove toxins from the intestines, as they have a mild laxative effect that improves bowel movements. Soluble fiber turns into a jelly-like substance that absorbs toxins and fights constipation by loosening stools.

It also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect that improves conditions such as gastritis, abdominal pain and internal bleeding.

The benefits of kefir


Kefir is a fermented liquid that contains several beneficial microorganisms that improve the bacterial flora in the colon. Kefir is characterized by its white or yellowish color with small granules, which sometimes resemble cauliflower bouquets. In kefir you will find lactic acid, bacteria and yeast, all of which fight harmful organisms that can create infections in the colon. Regular consumption of this healthy food and its microbial flora will help remove intestinal toxins and improve your overall digestive health.

In many cultures, kefir is known as an “elixir of health and longevity”, because in addition to improving intestinal health, it is used to treat the following:

  • Liver disease
  • Respiratory problems
  • Gallbladder disorders
  • Kidney damage
  • Chronic intestinal infections

In general, kefir is defined as a fermented beverage with a taste that is primarily derived from lactic acid.

How to remove intestinal toxins with flaxseed and kefir


An intestinal cleanser using flaxseed and kefir requires a duration of at least 21 days, and during this period you should avoid too much fat, sugar and very acidic foods.


  • 100-150 ml kefir
  • 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed (10-30 g)

What should you do?

  • During the first week of this cleansing regimen, you will eat 100 ml of kefir with a tablespoon of flaxseed every day.
  • During the second week, use the same amount of kefir, but increase the amount of flaxseed to 2 tbsp.
  • During the third week, eat 150 ml of kefir with 3 tablespoons of flaxseed.
  • For best results during cleansing, be sure to drink two gallons of water a day.

How often should you complete this cleansing regimen?

To prevent this, you can repeat this cleansing regimen every three months, but if you have had symptoms of bowel problems, you can use it more often.

Try this cleansing regimen if you experience the following:

  • Colitis, ulcers or gastritis
  • Inflammation of the respiratory tract
  • Urinary tract infections
  • In case of overweight or obesity
  • High cholesterol or triglyceride levels

As you can see,  it is easy to cleanse the bowel and it does not require any aggressive medication.

Try these recommendations and protect your gut health to avoid developing more serious conditions later in life.

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