Take Off The Blindfold: Stop Clinging To Someone Who Ignores You

Sometimes we are so blind that we do not see how others can manipulate us and take advantage of us to our own advantage. Do not cling to that person. You deserve better.
Take off the blindfold: Stop clinging to someone who ignores you

It is said that the more you are ignored, the more interested you become in the person who ignores you. Maybe it’s because we like the game “back and forth”, or we like to play cat and mouse. Either way, it makes it easy to hold on to another person who really does not deserve our attention. Take off your blindfold and stop clinging to someone who ignores you!

We tend to hold on to a person who does nothing but disappear. He does not show signs of life, and he does not show interest in you. When he reappears, you are relieved and the bonds become stronger.

Be careful! Open your eyes. You may be dealing with an emotional manipulator.

Stop fooling yourself

Remove the blindfold

When you like someone, you start fooling yourself. Suddenly, you begin to interpret signs that tell you that you love each other and that you need each other, and you begin to cling to that person. This nurtures your belief that the person you are attracted to likes you, cares about you and wants to have a relationship, even though he ignores you.

Do not take the chance. Remember: this is exactly what you want to see. Still, why not try to look at it from a different perspective? He only contacts you when he wants to, and when he does not, there are no signs of life. This shows that he uses you.

He has postponed an appointment he had with you, to be with his friends instead. Or he has made other plans that he felt more to do. He does not like you as much as you think (or want). He just hung up on the phone in the middle of a conversation because you’re not his priority. He did not even bother to say a simple goodbye.

Maybe you justify his behavior with phrases like “He just needs his own place”, or “He does not want to feel bound”, or “He is very independent”.
These excuses do nothing but harm your dignity.

Take off your blindfold: he ignores you

Girl with umbrella

It’s time to take off the blindfold that keeps you from seeing reality. But first, make sure you are not addicted.

If this is the case, this necessity of being by his side and being important to someone will lead you to surrender to someone and accept attitudes that you would never recommend to a friend or family member. Therefore, it is time to realize that he is simply not interested in you. Take off your blindfold and realize that it’s time to move on.

His words and actions confuse you

  • Have you ever tried to talk to him about your feelings? That feeling is so strong that it eats you up inside. Or maybe you just want to say how much you care about him.
  • But remember: you have already done everything to start the conversation in that direction.
  • However, he is inconsistent. For a moment he does not seem to care. In the next moment, he says things like “I like you,” or “You are the only one.”
  • It confuses you and leads you back into the game with cat and mouse, and that keeps you even more attached to him.

It is only affection when he wants it

You also need affection, but you do not receive it when you need it. Instead, it only happens when he wants to. Be aware of this. If he becomes affectionate when you get angry, he can try to avoid losing you by manipulating him.

The woman holds on to the invisible person

He makes you feel insecure

Good people make us feel safe. When it is the opposite, we should go in the other direction. You probably think you’m safe.

When you are with him, you are fine, you are happy and content. This always happens when you try not to express your feelings or think about the confusion you experience with the things he says to you.

If you can not be yourself or say what you want to say about him, you are unsure. This is another big warning that it’s time to take off your blindfold and move on.

Trust us: You will be better off without him.

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