5 Keys To Overcoming Emotional Disorder

Emotional disorder does not have to be something that affects us so much that it ends up being a part of who we are. You can overcome this disorder, overcome it and move on.
5 Keys to Overcoming Emotional Disorder

We have all, at one time or another, experienced something that has given us a lot of emotional pain. But is there a way to overcome emotional distress?

Every time we go through something difficult, all we hear from those around us is things like, “You want to see it get better,” “You want to feel better soon,” “Come on, don’t cry.” This does not really help us at all during these periods.

Today we are going to give you 5 keys to how to overcome emotional suffering, which does not include escaping from it or ignoring it. Instead, you have to face it face to face, in the best possible way.

Let’s find out how.

1. Admit it: “I’m going to have a tough time”

Woman gets help

What happens when you feel bad, but someone asks you how you are? Be honest: you tend to lie, tell them everything is fine, and may even add an “as always”.

In order to overcome emotional distress, you need to start by being honest.

It’s not the worst thing in the world to say that you are not feeling well, that you are not feeling well and that you are in pain.

You may think that by doing so you are looking for pity, and you may have phrases like, “I do not want your pity” clearly in mind.

Regardless, being honest with those around us and telling them how we really feel will let us recognize our suffering, instead of ignoring it.

So instead of avoiding our emotions, we embrace them.

2. Where did your ailments start?

Your suffering may come from something that is not immediately clear to you. What caused these feelings to begin with? How do you feel? What have you done to get an answer to that?

Taking the time to analyze what has happened to us, from different angles, and to peel off the layers of your suffering, will allow you to discover its origin. Maybe it was caused by childhood trauma or a loss you have not been able to overcome.

Start by giving yourself encouraging words

Woman yells at herself in the mirror

When you are able to overcome emotional distress and you look back, you realize how badly you probably treated yourself. Maybe you thought of phrases like “you are not worth anything”, “everyone is better than you”, “see who is complaining”, or even “you are an idiot”.

These sentences do not help, but during these periods we end up being very critical of ourselves. Instead of helping us move forward, this throws us into a vicious circle of depression, anxiety and major ailments.

Therefore, it is important that you take care of yourself and treat yourself with respect.

4. Appreciate those around you

When you are going through a tough period, you sometimes want to be alone and do not want to have anyone else around you.

Despite the fact that you are often so focused on your own suffering, it is important to notice the people standing by your side.

There may be people by your side who, just by being there, make you feel better. Which is there to lend you a hand to help you up when you fall.

You should appreciate these people who, even if they do not understand what you are going through, are still there.

5. Go to a psychologist: they will make you feel better

Woman with a psychologist

Many people are reluctant to go see a psychologist. They believe that they can overcome their suffering by themselves and that they will learn from themselves.

Maybe, deep down, they have some negative thoughts about what going to a psychologist will mean.

A psychologist gives us guidance that gives us the necessary tools so that we can overcome emotional suffering. They help us not to feel alone, to feel understood, and to see the situation from a different perspective.

Going to a psychologist allows us to take a breath of fresh air, it lets us see that we can put this feeling behind us and that everything will be fine again. However, this process can take time.

Emotional suffering does not have to be something that affects us so much that it becomes part of who we are. You can overcome emotional distress by fighting it and moving on.

Have you ever tried to overcome emotional distress on your own? Have any of the keys mentioned helped you?

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