Combine Aspirin And Lemon And Say Goodbye To Corns On Your Feet

The mixture of aspirin and lemon juice provides the perfect combination to fight fungi and soften the hard skin, while promoting cell renewal.
Combine aspirin and lemon and say goodbye to corns on your feet

Corns on the feet occur when we neglect the care of this part of the body. Although appearance is affected by many factors, lack of hydration and the use of certain types of shoes are often the main causes. It is a characteristic hardness that is usually found around the heel. It tends to be a result of the pressure our feet are exposed to due to our weight and certain strains. Read on to find out the effect of aspirin and lemon!

These are not serious problems, but they look ugly and can lead to complications such as fungal infections or cracks. Therefore, even if it does not bother you, it is best to treat the problem to soften the feet and restore healthy skin . The good news is that in addition to commercial products, it is possible to create affordable solutions at home. These can give interesting effects in a short time.

Among these alternatives we find a preparation with aspirin and lemon . If this is applied regularly, the mixture will remove dead skin cells to more easily eliminate this problem.

Are you ready to try it?

Treatment with aspirin and lemon to fight corns on the feet

This homemade cure with aspirin and lemon is a simple composition. It has become very popular due to the ability to exfoliate the feet and reduce the size of the corns. Although there is by no means any “miracle cure” with immediate effects, regular application will soften the hard skin and make the skin feel new .

The ingredients are much more economical compared to industrial products. And as if that were not enough, they do not contain any chemicals that are harmful to the skin.

The benefits of aspirin


Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is an analgesic and anticoagulant. It is commonly used for headaches, problems with blood circulation and fever.

But in addition to these popular uses, the drug can be an interesting alternative to improve the skin.

  • The high content of salicylic acid, which is a beta-hydroxy acid, helps to exfoliate and cleanse the skin . It softens hard areas and corns on the feet.
  • This component changes the environment that microorganisms need to thrive, and therefore helps to stop yeast infections.
  • It is ideal for promoting cell renewal and healing of cracks that occur in dry skin.
  • In addition, the anti-inflammatory ability reduces the feeling of fatigue and contributes to better blood circulation .

The benefits of lemon


We know the lemon for its culinary and medicinal uses. But it also brings important benefits to healthy skin.

  • Especially in this case, it helps to remove dead skin cells that accumulate in hard skin and corns on the feet. The lemon can reduce the size of such areas.
  • Its vitamins and minerals promote cell renewal and reduce dry, hard and cracked skin.
  • Its acids have a fungicidal effect that fights athlete’s foot.
  • It has a clarifying effect that is beneficial in reducing yellow or gray spots that occur as a result of this problem.

How do you make this cure with aspirin and lemon?

Lemons and aspirin

If you want to enjoy the benefits of the combination of aspirin and lemon, do not hesitate to follow the instructions to prepare the cure.


  • 5 aspirin
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g) (optional)


  • Socks
  • Pimpstein


  • Put the aspirin tablets in a grinder and grind them to a fine powder.
  • Pour the powder into a clean bowl and mix in the lemon juice.
  • If you want, you can also add a tablespoon of honey, to take advantage of its moisturizing properties.
  • Mix all the ingredients until evenly distributed.

Instructions for use

  • Rinse your feet with soap and lukewarm water to remove dirt from the surface.
  • Wipe them with a soft towel, then apply the cure to the hard skin.
  • Wear tight-fitting socks to keep the mixture in place for 30 or 40 minutes.
  • When this period is over, rinse with lukewarm water again and massage your feet for 2-3 minutes with pumice.
  • This last step allows you to more easily get rid of the remnants of dead skin cells.
  • Dry your feet well before using any type of footwear, and repeat the treatment 2-3 times a week.

Are you ready to pamper your feet at home? If you have corns on your feet, or experience excessively dry skin, make this simple cure and let your feet look like new again.

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