As Time Goes On We Realize That Less Is More

Happiness is something as simple as loving and being loved. And something like this only makes sense with a very limited group of people.
As time goes on, we realize that less is more

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, time  does not necessarily give us wisdom and maturity. To mature means first and foremost to become aware of everything we have done, and all our lived experiences. So that we can learn from them. This is an action that a humble person performs, as they stand up for every mistake they make without regretting it. Less is more.

Because everything happens for a reason, to balance things in life.

Also, many people are beginning to realize something very concrete. H va makes us happy is not having things, collecting material goods or achieve success.

Happiness is something as simple as loving and being loved. And something like this only makes sense with a very limited group of people.

This is far from being selfish. In fact, we must see it as part of emotional health. Giving our love to just a few people will prevent us from being disappointed. Having false illusions, and will give us the personal balance that we all hope for.

In this article, we reflect on this topic.

You learn and discover as time goes on

During our upbringing or our early youth, things and people come to us in all shapes and sizes, and we accept all of this.

  • We want to experience things, laugh, love, discover and feel. Setting boundaries and setting up barriers often means not being accepted and we lose our opportunity to participate in the group.
  • Love comes with the intensity of a storm. We get carried away by the need for someone who longs to feel love and feel loved. The same goes for friendship.

But as time goes on, we open the inner gaze that is able to see what surrounds us more clearly, with more perspective and wisdom.

Having a growing social group does not make you happy

As time goes on, we realize that less is more

We can alleviate loneliness in many ways, but accumulating friends is not the best way. To do so means first and foremost to bring people into our lives. Which will not always be sincere or compatible with our identity.

  • Loneliness is a kind of personal emptiness that we must fill as we mature, in order to establish more complete and authentic relationships with others.
  • As time goes on, we end up losing many friends. This is because time is wise and tells us who is right for us and who is not.
  • Only then do we realize that authenticity and sincere love are what can enrich our soul and our heart.
  • Values ​​such as respect, reciprocity or participation, which is when we understand what the other person needs, are not easy to find.
  • When we find true friends or partners with whom we are completely compatible, we refuse to let them go, because they are the ones who give light to our existence.

Less is more in our personal relationships

Extroverted people who need social stimuli appreciate this ongoing interaction in large groups of people. Where they talk and laugh with those around them.

  • The more interaction these people have, the happier they are. The more friends they have. The more opportunities they have to go out, enjoy themselves and start new projects.
  • But over time, even this type of person discovers that it is always better to have a small number of people around them to enjoy friendships with.
  • It’s not about breaking ties, about avoiding certain people, partners and family. Instead, it is really a matter of not reinforcing the unpleasant bond by respectfully distancing yourself from certain people.
As time goes on, we realize that less is more

Furthermore, as time goes on, it does not matter to us what others think of us. We know that “less is more”, and that if the small things bring us great joy, then we do not need anything else.

I accept less because I know it’s the BEST

As time goes on, we realize that less is more

If you have two friends, and if they are sincere, noble and authentic, you need do nothing else: they are a treasure.

Likewise, if you have a partner that you have a harmonious relationship with, that you can grow with, and that you feel you can be yourself around and enjoy every moment with, then you have it all.

  • Making our circle smaller to include people like our partner, friends and some members of our family is not an action we can criticize.
  • Because those who know what they have, appreciate and care about, need nothing more than a small circle of friends and family.
  • But this is something that not everyone can see. Sometimes the most beautiful thing you have in your life is very close to you.

Be humble so you can find out where true happiness lies.

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