8 Habits That Weaken The Facial Skin

Sensitive facial skin requires several types of special care from a young age to prevent the negative impact of free radicals and environmental factors that impair skin health.
8 habits that weaken the facial skin

Today, there are many ways to nourish and renew the skin, so that it stays firm and glowing longer. However, when you try to take care of your face, it’s not just about using beauty products. There are several habits that weaken the facial skin.

While it may be easy to overlook it, there are a number of things you do every day that end up damaging and changing your skin.

That’s why we want to share these habits with you, which weaken the facial skin if they do not change .

Do not damage your facial skin

1. Do not use sunscreen

sunscreen on the face

For health and beauty, we all need to use sunscreen every day, even if it may not be sun when you get up.

It has been proven that sunscreen has the ability to protect the skin from damage and burns caused by the sun.

Going out in the sun without any protection weakens the facial skin and causes damage to a cell level that is difficult to repair. It also accelerates aging, and over time it can affect whether you get skin cancer.

2. Smoking

Women who smoke should not be surprised if they begin to notice pimples, pigmentation spots, dark circles under the eyes and other unaesthetic changes on the face.

Nicotine from cigarettes constricts the blood vessels in the upper layers of the skin, thus reducing their ability to transport oxygen and other necessary nutrients to maintain health and beauty.


3. Drink excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages

When alcohol reaches the bloodstream it causes poisoning and dehydration and the skin will show signs of this.

Those who do not control their alcohol intake often suffer from pimples and wrinkles at an early age, and they may even develop ruptured blood vessels.

4. Improper treatment of pimples

squeezing pimples

Hormonal changes that women are exposed to throughout life will make them more prone to suffer from acne at various stages of life. This is a factor that weakens the facial skin.

One of the most common mistakes is trying to get rid of pimples with your fingernails or various commercial creams that are full of chemicals.

Squeezing pimples can damage the skin and leave scars, while creams can be too strong for the face.

What you need to do in these cases is to remove dirt with a facial cleanser or peel. Supplement the use of these products with a product designed to combat this problem.

5. Sleep with makeup

Never do this again! This is one of the worst habits you can have for your face. When you rest, your cells need to get enough oxygen to repair and renew your skin after being damaged during the day.

When you lie down with these chemical products on your face, your pores become blocked, it weakens the facial skin, and cell work is prevented.

Are you tired when you get home? Gather your strength and use a make-up remover or cleanser before closing your eyes.

6. Shower with hot water

Using warm water to wash your face or take a shower is not the best choice for maintaining beautiful skin.

Frequent use of warm water removes natural skin oils, which causes your skin to lose moisture and tightness.


7. Poor sleep weakens the facial skin

bad sleep

Very few women can imagine how important quality sleep is for a healthy and acne-free skin.

When we sleep, the stress hormones return to their normal levels. This allows the cells to work on repairing the skin.

Those who sleep 6 hours or less have a high risk of suffering from premature aging, dark circles under the eyes, and dull skin.

8. Use of many products at once

There are many beauty products designed for the skin, and each one of them has a specific purpose. It is not a good idea to use multiple products without giving your skin time to absorb them first.

When we treat such sensitive areas, the components in each product are likely to interact with each other and cause irritation. It can cause allergic reactions or other disorders that weaken the facial skin.

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