What Causes White Spots On The Skin?

Here is some information on what can cause white spots on your skin. Remember that if you are in doubt or have a problem, you should always contact your GP.
What causes white spots on the skin?

White spots on the skin… Have you ever had them? It is common for these to appear during the summer, especially after sunbathing.

What causes these  spots? They sometimes appear on the back and face. Young people are most often affected. Where are they from? Which treatment works? Today we will talk a little about this problem, but we will also mention that if you are in doubt, you should consult a doctor or dermatologist.

White spots on the skin: Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is very common,  but do not despair: it is not severe and tends to disappear. It  appears as white spots on the skin, especially in these areas:

  • Chest and back
  • Arms and legs
  • The area that normally appears during the summer

They appear especially during hot days or when autumn begins. Young people are particularly affected due to sweating, hormonal changes or humidity. As written before, it is not dangerous, contagious or painful. It’s just cosmetically unsightly.

How is pityriasis versicolor treated?

These spots are caused by a type of fungus that requires treatment. The treatment tends to be effective, and this is most often used:

  • Antifungal drugs such as  terbinafine  or miconazole.
  • Selenium shampoo can also be of great help. It is applied to the affected skin areas. It should dry and sit overnight. Take a shower the next morning to remove the shampoo. It’s that easy.
  • If you want a homemade remedy, aloe vera can alleviate the effects. Use the gel from the plant, massage it in and leave it on for a couple of hours before taking a shower.

You should see a dermatologist if you do not notice any difference after two weeks of treatment.

White spots on the skin: Vitiligo


Vitiligo is a more serious problem. This is a result of the loss of the cells that produce the color pigment melanin. The problem is associated with a weakened immune system that attacks and destroys a type of cell called melanocytes. Let’s take a look at some relevant characteristics:

  • These white spots appear anywhere on the body. They can be large or small and come in any shape.
  • They do not tend to cause discomfort, pain, itching or irritation. They appear without any symptoms but tend to be noticeable.
  • In general, they tend to be frequent in people living in humid areas.
  • Sometimes the spots can turn brown and begin to peel. This is when any ailments can come.

Is there treatment for vitiligo?

  • Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for vitiligo. This autoimmune disorder is usually genetic, and the destruction of melanocytes cannot be stopped safely or effectively.
  • Repigmentation with steroids or immune modulators is sometimes attempted. The treatment does not always give results. Experts recommend using sunscreens to protect hypopigmented spots from the sun’s rays.
  • Natural remedies such as aloe vera, turmeric bandages or mustard oil can help with blemishes. They will not disappear, but you can notice them less often. Remember to take care of your skin!

Nutrition deficit

Fruits and vegetables

Poor diet can be the reason why you suffer from a significant lack of vitamins and minerals. You need to be extra careful with the small spots, and make sure they do not show up. If you notice them, it is worth seeing your doctor for an examination. It can be a symptom of nutritional deficiency:

  • Sometimes white spots appear when you lack calcium, vitamin D and vitamin E. Do not forget to eat calcium-rich foods ! Remember that dairy products are not the only sources of this mineral. Vegetables are also rich in these essential nutrients.
  • The cause of the white spots may be malnutrition. They may also indicate an unbalanced diet. Always consult a doctor for advice.
  • Remember that there are supplements to improve the health of the skin. We recommend that you improve your diet by making it complete and balanced  so that you can avoid health problems.

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