Advice For Improving Your Self-esteem After A Breakup

Although we may see it as something negative, it is necessary to go through a grieving process after a breakup, in order to heal our wounds and come out on the other side stronger.
Advice to improve your self-esteem after a breakup

After a break-up, regardless of whether it is traumatic or not, we experience a number of consequences. Among them is the effect on our self-confidence. But is it possible to have better self-confidence after a breakup?

The answer is “yes”. To achieve this, however, we must find out whether we have been affected in the first place or not.

After breaking up with a partner, our lives take a new course. We are alone, we will no longer go hand in hand with anyone, and the whole future that we had visualized no longer exists.

It is normal for uncertainty to arise when faced with this situation. Suddenly it is difficult to make decisions or to see the future with positivity … But we think it is very easy to blame ourselves.

Improving self-esteem after a breakup begins with taking care of yourself

How to improve your self-esteem after a breakup

To improve self-esteem after a breakup, it is necessary to take an important first step, to take care of ourselves.

After a breakup with a partner, our self-esteem drops,  we sink into sadness and we forget ourselves.

We stop taking care of ourselves. We forget to exercise and eat well. Instead of recovering from this painful experience, we prefer to feel even worse if possible.

It is also not a good idea to remove ourselves or isolate ourselves from our friends. These are exactly the ones we can react with. They may have gone through the same thing themselves, and can give us the best advice.

It is natural to feel pain and desire to be alone, to experience it fully. We should keep in mind that as long as it does not last too long, it is healthy.

We can eat poorly, stop exercising, give up what we are doing… But this should not last for more than a couple of weeks.

Otherwise, it would be advisable to ask for help, because we may risk going into a potential depression.

Do not seek refuge in social networks

How to improve your self-esteem after a breakup

To gain self-confidence after a breakup, it is important to overcome the temptation to start chatting with potential future partners on social networks.

Sometimes we recommend that, “all you need is a Tinderdate,” to people who have just been through a breakup and who have lost hope of finding someone.

However, this is not a healthy recommendation. Not because it is impossible to find someone who meets our expectations, but because it is necessary to go through the grief phase.

Seeking refuge in social networks because we want to feel wanted again, to believe that we will not end up alone, or to avoid feeling pain, is not positive.

It is natural to feel pain, to feel broken or hopeless. Self-confidence has fallen, but we must lift it up again, not by avoiding it, but by facing it face to face.

We need to accept what has happened, spend more time in the real world and not so much on the internet, and give ourselves time to heal the pain that has come since the breakup.

It is natural to be sad, but being pessimistic is a choice

How to improve your self-esteem after a breakup

If you want to improve your self-esteem, the first thing you need to realize is that sadness is a natural feeling that all people suffer from.

We tend to reject it because we see it as a negative feeling. However, it is very necessary.

When we are sad after a breakup, we must enter the room of grief to reflect, accept and overcome it, then leave it renewed as soon as possible.

It is a necessary step, but what happens if we do not take it? We enter the room, whether we like it or not, even though we are fooling ourselves into thinking we are not there.

The more we try to escape the sadness, the longer we will be in that room.  This will make us pessimists. This is simply because we have made a bad choice.

We choose to ignore it, to distract ourselves, instead of facing it. Instead of looking at ourselves and taking the experience as an opportunity to recover. Instead of taking care of ourselves and maturing.

After a breakup, choose acceptance

So yes, you can improve your self-esteem after a breakup. As long as you see the sadness right in your face, feel it, understand it and above all accept what has happened.

Although we can not see the hope in the situation yet, we know it is there. We just have to look back to remember other situations where the same thing happened.

Did it all end there?

No, because everything passes.

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