6 Ways To Handle Life When You Feel Overwhelmed

If life has overwhelmed you and you do not know what to do, take a moment to reflect on your goals and prepare to go for them.
6 ways to deal with life when you feel overwhelmed

Life is not easy. Even when things are going well, you can go through times when you just feel overwhelmed.

The most important thing is not to let pessimism begin. It is natural, and even healthy, to be sad, angry or depressed. What is not natural is to remain that way. Here we want to offer you some ways to handle life when you feel overwhelmed. You see, it’s not about magic formulas, but rather about simple attitude adjustments.

6 ways to deal with life when you feel overwhelmed

1. Be generous


You already know that when you feel overwhelmed, your thoughts go to what you are missing and what you do not have. However, it is to be generous food for your soul. Instead of dwelling on how you do not have enough time or money or your problems at home, find a way to help someone else.

We recommend giving something to a total stranger. You do not have to give a lot of money. You really do not need to give money at all. Maybe you meet someone who is trying to carry heavy bags of groceries or has trouble crossing the street. Give them a helping hand!

Helping people will show you that even if life seems like too much right now, you can always do something for another person. The feeling this will give you is absolutely amazing.

2. Sit and watch people

One of the biggest problems when you feel overwhelmed with life is that you turn inward and just think about yourself and your problems. Next time you feel that way, try going to a park or cafe where there are a lot of people passing by.

Sit down and observe the people. But remember, we said observer; Don’t just look at them. In other words, take a moment and look at someone and imagine who they might be. Look at your face and think about what your life might be like.

This exercise will help you live in the moment and remember how children smile all the time and what makes them happy. You also see people who look sad or angry, and may even witness an unpleasant situation that you can not do anything about.

You do not need to talk to anyone or try to solve their problems. This exercise of pure observation will help you to be more aware of your limits, but also your privileges.

3. Go home and relax

in the bathtub

Is it your job that feels too much for you right now? Is it your relationship that is not good and you have been arguing with your partner? Or is it a problem with your family? If so, move away from the situation.

This is not to run away from. Just take time to be alone and get your mood under control. The longer you stay in a situation like one of the above, the more likely it is that someone will say something they do not mean.

Go home, have a good cup of tea or coffee, and take a nap or maybe a hot tub. Later you can analyze what happened and see what happens. Right now it’s about letting things cool down. You will see the next day that everything becomes less negative and you will be able to make better decisions.

4. Love yourself

read book

Do you feel overwhelmed by a relationship that is not good for you? Looks like your friends have suddenly decided that you’re not good enough? It is okay. In the end,  you are the one who must love yourself.

Give yourself a moment to consciously love yourself. Work on creating useful habits:

  • Have a diary of things you are grateful for,  where you write one or two things every day that make you special, reasons why you love yourself.
  • Set aside time each week to be alone and treat yourself to a massage or hobby you love.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror every night before bed and say the three magic words: “I love you”.

Lack of self-love can lead you to accept situations and relationships that hurt you. Do not let this happen.

5. Learn new things

There are times when you feel overwhelmed by situations that you do not know how to handle. For example, you may always end up with debt at the end of the month, no matter how much you work, or you may continue to be overlooked for the promotion you desire.

In situations like these, it is important to find out if the problem actually has to do with your emotions or skills. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you know everything. Instead, you should look for ways to acquire the skills you lack.

The answer will depend on what you need:

  • A personal finance course if you do not know how to manage your money.
  • A course or two to learn a skill that will help you move on to work.
  • Psychological therapy to identify and resolve emotional issues that keep you in abusive relationships.

Remember that there is no magic solution, and sometimes you have to stop and learn something. When you do, it will be much easier to move on.

6. Get inspired

Find a place in your home that is bound to positivity. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and lose direction when you do not take the time to be grateful and be inspired.

Do you want to travel to Asia ? Make enough money to buy your dream home? If you do not keep the right focus, you will lose yourself in the process of trying to reach your goals.

Find a notepad or find a place in your room to have pictures, quotes and anything else that will remind you of what you are working towards. That way, when you feel like you’re not doing well, you can go there and get your ideas, plans, and activities in order.


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