The Best Tips For Washing Oily Hair

Sometimes the sebaceous glands in the scalp are altered and produce more sebum than normal. Therefore, your hair looks greasy and dirty. Discover how to wash oily hair and make it less oily in this article.
The best tips for washing oily hair

If you have oily hair, you need to take some recommendations into account to wash it properly. Due to excessive production of sebum in the scalp , you need to know how to choose the right products to avoid the appearance of greasy and dirty hair. What more should you consider? Here are the best tips for washing oily hair.

First, it is important to know why fat accumulates in the hair and what factors can make it worse. Then you can take some simple steps to make it look better.

Keep reading to discover them!

What are the causes of oily hair?

Under normal conditions, healthy hair secretes a certain amount of sebum to ensure good moisture in the scalp and keep the hair strands healthy. In fact, this tallow is considered a defense mechanism for the sensitive part of the roots.

Although the amount produced varies from person to person, poor hygiene, excessive sweating and other lifestyle factors can lead to excessive sebum production. The result? Oily and dirty hair that is difficult to style and treat.

A woman with oily and tousled hair.
Hormonal changes, excessive sweating and choosing the wrong hair products can make your hair look greasy.

Why do some people have greasy hair and others do not? What causes sebum production to increase?

There are several possible causes. Below we explain the most common in detail.

Hormonal changes

These changes can cause overactive sebaceous glands in the scalp. As a result, they can make your hair look dirty. This is common among pregnant women, teenagers or women who take birth control pills.

To wash your hair too often

Although people with oily hair tend to wash it more regularly, it can be counterproductive to wash it too much. For what reason? Well, every time you rinse your hair with hair products, the scalp gets a signal to produce more sebum.

Hair type

Altered sebum production on the scalp can affect anyone. However, those with fine and straight hair have a higher risk of accumulating sebum. Since the hair is not wavy, the sebum slides more easily down the shaft.

Misuse of hair products

It is important to choose the right products for washing oily hair. Due to its properties, tallow is not removed by washing it with just water. You also do not want to achieve a clean look with oil-based products. It is important to choose a shampoo with compounds that break down sebum.

You should also not use too much conditioner. In fact, you should only use it from the center of the hair strands to the tips. Make sure the conditioner contains as few fats as possible.

Other possible causes

  • Heavy exercise (due to excessive sweating).
  • Excessive use of hair treatments.
  • Walking outdoors with damp hair.
  • Exposing your hair to the sun or heat sources.

This is how you can wash oily hair properly

Have you ever wondered what steps you should take to wash oily hair? The process is actually quite simple. The key is to stimulate the pH balance in the scalp and regulate sebum production. To achieve this, you need to know how to choose the right hair products and use them properly. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. The best tips for washing oily hair: Be careful when choosing hair products

Most hair products are designed for normal or dry hair. The composition helps you make your hair shiny and increase moisture. However, it is incompatible with oily hair. If you are trying to prevent this problem, it is best to find a suitable formula.

Fortunately, today you can find many products that can regulate sebum production. They range from lightweight to micellar products. For example, products made with ingredients such as green tea, citrus fruits or aloe vera are good alternatives.

2. The best tips for washing oily hair: Use lukewarm or cold water

The water temperature also matters. More precisely, you need to avoid washing your hair with very hot water. Although it removes dirt and grease at the moment, it can lead to increased sebum production later.

Therefore, it is best to use lukewarm or cold water. A good alternative is to start washing your hair with warm water and complete the rinse with cold water to seal the hair follicles.

3. The best tips for washing oily hair: Apply a product

One of the most important aspects you should pay attention to is when using hair products. First, you need to consider the amount of shampoo you are going to use. This will depend on how long and thick your hair is. You should use one to two tablespoons.

After that, you also need to pay attention to how you use it. It is best to spread the shampoo over the head and massage the scalp with your fingertips to clean the residue that accumulates there. Finally, and after a first rinse, apply a conditioner from the middle of the length to the tips.

A woman washing her hair.
When using products, it is important to massage them in with your fingertips. This helps to remove residue on the scalp.

4. The best tips for washing oily hair: The frequency of hair washing

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, you do not need to wash greasy hair too often. As we mentioned above, this tends to change the pH and can have the opposite effect. Thus, it is best to wash it every other day. To avoid the feeling of dirty hair, you can even try dry shampoo.

5. The best tips for washing oily hair: Supplement your hair routine

In addition to the above tips, other hair care can also help you achieve clean and healthy hair. For example, it is a good idea to use masks with ingredients that are suitable for oily hair. You can also try a scalp scrub, as long as it is oil free.

This is how you can make your hair less oily

Proper washing can reduce the oily appearance of the hair. Still, you can use other tips to make your hair look better and avoid overactive sebum production. Try them today!

Use essential oils

It can be beneficial to apply essential oils to your hair to control excessive sebum production on the scalp. The properties break down sebum and facilitate the cleaning of the hair follicles.

Here are the most recommended options:

  • Essential tea tree oil
  • Essential peppermint oil
  • Essential chamomile oil

Dilute a few drops of these oils in water or in the shampoo you normally use. Another option is rosemary oil, which is also associated with healthy hair growth.

Apply apple cider vinegar to treat oily hair

To date, there is no evidence of health benefits of apple cider vinegar. However, anecdotal data suggest that moderate use of it can make hair less greasy and prevent problems such as dandruff.

  • All you need to do is dilute a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in two liters of water.
  • Then rinse your hair with the mixture.
  • Finally, wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner.
  • You can use this remedy two to three times a week.

Use an aloe vera mask

As with other home remedies , no scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of aloe vera in fighting oily hair. Still, people have used it in natural cosmetics to help with excess sebum, dandruff and broken or split ends.

How to use it:

  • First, extract fresh jelly from an aloe vera leaf.
  • Then massage it on the scalp with a gentle circular massage.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • You can repeat this two or three times a week.
Aloe vera gel.
In natural cosmetics, aloe vera jelly is one of the favorite products to keep hair healthy and clean.

Apply dry shampoo to oily hair

It is advisable to use dry shampoo on the roots after exercise or on a hot day so that it can absorb sebum. You can find many different types at cosmetics or beauty stores or pharmacies. However, do not use it too much.

Use cornstarch or baby powder

Corn starch or baby powder can reduce fat due to sweat or heat. They are similar to dry shampoos but have natural formulas. Just apply a small amount of the selected product on the crown of the head and massage it in.

Avoid brushing your hair between washes

Excessive brushing also affects people with oily hair. Brushing draws sebum and sweat from the scalp towards the cuticle layer (the outer layer of the hair). It is best not to brush your hair too much until you get the oil under control. The same applies to straighteners and curling irons.

You can prevent greasy hair

Excessive sebum production depends on many different factors. However, with proper washing and using some home remedies, you can improve the appearance of your hair.

Remember, of course, that it is important to incorporate the tips we shared here into your daily hair care routine.

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