5 Traits That Define A Strong Personality: Do You Have Them?

People with strong personalities are not cold or insensitive. They have only learned to give each problem the meaning it deserves, so that it does not affect them negatively.
5 traits that define a strong personality: Do you have them?

Often a strong personality can cause tension or discomfort.

Sometimes we see people with a strong personality who are unable to do certain things. We think that they are people who are sometimes selfish or who only look after their own interests and who do not accept visions, ideas or suggestions from others.

Nothing is further from reality.

It is true that when it comes to personality , there are always many nuances when it comes to branding someone as “exclusively” introverted, extroverted, dependent, independent, intuitive, etc.

But when we talk about strong personalities, there is something behind it that we need to understand. In psychology, this type of profile is known as a “resilient personality”. Within it one can be introverted or extroverted, but what characterizes it, above all, is the ability to stay afloat despite adversity.

Below we will explain 5 features that will help you understand what it means to be a strong person. Do you recognise your self?

A strong personality does not like excuses

A person with a strong personality has a very special path.  She has learned from her mistakes and successes. She acts on her conscience with humility, but with determination.

This explains why she does not like half-truths or half-lies at all, nor excuses or people who do nothing but procrastinate.

For a person with a strong personality, these actions make her waste time. They are obstacles, as well as ways to reduce intentions and goals. In her world , what must be done must be done. What one sets as a goal on the horizon is a motivation to fight for. So, someone who fills her everyday life with excuses and false reasons, is something she finds very unpleasant.

2. They are careful when letting others be a part of their lives

Couple looking at each other

If there is one thing that defines a person with a strong personality, it is her ability to have control to discover her inherent motivations. She knows what she wants and what she does not want. That lesson has come to her because once in the past someone has failed her, she was disillusioned or she was betrayed.

But far from being closed in on oneself or being cold or suspicious. Is she open to others, but she does not hesitate to use a very appropriate psychic filter. She will not let anyone into her life who bothers her or who disturbs her inner peace.

3. She does not like insensitive, selfish or pretentious people

Person with a strong personality says no

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, a person with a strong and resilient profile is sensitive and very humble.

This is because she values ​​important things that do not waste time and that give a feeling of well-being: good friendships, people who bring light and do not storm, loving, committed partners who share her values…

Therefore , she does not tolerate those who act selfishly, or who do not know how to value the simplest things in life: things that can not be bought that we all get by living in respect and happiness.

4. They have learned from fear and adversity

Woman follows birds

One of the characteristics that defines strong people is a clear psychological resilience. As we already know, few words are as relevant in personal growth as resilience. It is the capacity to overcome adversity and emotional pain. Not only that, but also the ability to learn from these experiences. Thus, someone with a strong personality has been able to learn from fear, to cross the line to reach their goals.

In addition, all the important learning gives her greater psychological tools so that she can move without fear and be receptive to what life brings, but she knows very well what she is not willing to accept.

5. They do not have to like everyone

Woman looking at the cloud in her hands

As we mentioned at the beginning, a person with a strong personality does not always try to satisfy everyone. Instead, she knows what she wants and does not waste time with people who are not worth it.

Little by little, she has learned that few things cause so much frustration and suffering as wanting to please everyone and seek approval from everyone.

It’s not useful, it’s not logical, and it’s unhealthy. Thus, a person with a resilient personality takes an approach of not having to worry if someone does not accept her for who she is.

Overall, more than one of these characteristics is likely to be known. Maybe we have all learned to be strong in our own way, or will soon. We are all on our way to developing a strong personality.


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