The Healthy Ways To Drink Coffee

To form healthy habits when it comes to drinking coffee, you need to know the benefits and side effects. Here are some tips to help.
The healthy ways to drink coffee

Coffee is a beverage that is widely consumed all over the world. It is also a good source of antioxidants and essential minerals. However, due to the stimulating effects of caffeine, and the effects on our physical and psychological state, it should be consumed in moderation. Are you familiar with the effects of coffee consumption? Let’s look at some healthy habits for drinking coffee.

The healthy ways to drink coffee: The effects of coffee consumption

Coffee is a drink with many beneficial properties. The most notable are:

Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

Man drinking coffee.

Regular coffee drinkers may be 25 to 40% less likely to get diabetes. Coffee consumption increases the levels of certain plasma proteins that are responsible for regulating testosterone and estrogen levels. This helps prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Reduces the risk of liver disease

Drinking coffee has been linked to the prevention of cirrhosis. This disease is related to excessive alcohol consumption and hepatitis B. In addition, there are studies that suggest that consumption reduces the risk of liver cancer by 40%.

Contains antioxidants

Coffee has many important nutrients for our body. For example, the B vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid) that are necessary for the neuromuscular system are particularly important. It also contains minerals (potassium, manganese and magnesium), which are essential for biochemical processes that take place in our body.

Stimulates the central nervous system

Woman studying.

Caffeine is the most ingested stimulant substance in the world. Drinking coffee increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine which accelerate brain activity. This results in increased energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function. That’s why students and those who have to concentrate so often drink.

However, coffee also has many negative side effects such as heartburn, ulceration, increased anxiety and high blood pressure. It can also cause insomnia. For that reason, in some cases people should not drink it.

Healthy habits when you want to drink coffee

To drink coffee responsibly, it is important to keep the following guidelines in mind:

Risk groups

Drinking coffee can cause sleep problems.

There are certain groups of people who should not drink too much coffee, or who should eliminate it completely from the diet. This may be because they are suffering from some form of physical or mental illness.

If you fall into any of the groups we mention below, you should talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you should eliminate coffee from your diet.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding: Mothers can transfer caffeine to their babies. This affects the baby’s development negatively, and it can also cause stress and anxiety.
  • Anemia: If you have iron deficiency and take a supplement for it, you should look at your caffeine intake. Caffeine makes it difficult for the body to absorb this mineral properly.
  • Pharmacological treatment: In some cases, caffeine may increase the side effects of medications. Therefore, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist about drinking coffee if you are taking medication.
  • Insomnia or anxiety: Caffeine intake is not good for those who suffer from sleep disorders or anxiety attacks.
  • Osteoporosis: Just like with iron supplements, caffeine prevents the proper absorption of calcium in the body.
  • Arterial hypertension: Coffee can increase blood pressure. It is therefore important to consult a specialist so that they can tell you how much coffee is safe to consume.
  • Gastritis: Caffeine can irritate the gastric mucosa. This can cause discomfort in those who suffer from a type of disease or pathology related to the digestive system.

Drinking coffee for a healthy and balanced diet

We often make the mistake of drinking coffee accompanied by sugar, condensed milk or even cream. In addition, we like to drink it with cakes, biscuits or other goodies. Although coffee itself is not harmful in these cases, the calories and the processed fat that comes with it can be.

We recommend drinking coffee with vegetable products, such as almond or soy milk. In addition, you can try it with unsweetened milk accompanied by fruit or whole grains. By doing this, you get the benefits of coffee, while promoting healthy eating habits.

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