Mistake We Make: Falling In Love With Someone Who Has A Partner

If the person you love has been unfaithful to someone else with you, what makes you think they will not be unfaithful to you too?
Mistakes we make: Falling in love with someone who has a partner

Falling in love with someone who already has a partner is a very delicate situation. You can not always avoid falling in love with someone, but you need to be aware of what this particular circumstance entails.

Sometimes love will blind you in such a way that you make mistakes you do not even realize. Falling in love with someone who has already been taken is one of those mistakes.

This situation can, and often will, lead to a lot of pain.

Today we are going to uncover some of the mistakes people make when they notice that they fall for someone who already has a partner.

Has it ever happened to you?

They are waiting for the second relationship to end

This may sound a little strange, but when you love someone who is already in a relationship, they may say things like “I’m thinking of leaving my boyfriend” or “I’m waiting for the right time…”

These affirmations keep you waiting for the moment when you can start a real relationship with the one you love but who is still in their current relationship right now.

However, if you have been clearly told that your lover does not intend to leave his current partner, it does not make sense to expect anything else. It is up to you to decide if you should accept being the “other” person, or if you want to end the relationship.

The first situation is more common. Please note that if the situation does not change after a few months, all your waiting is probably in vain.

Some have been waiting for years for the one they love to end their relationship. Given how long it has been, it is clear that it will never happen. No matter how much they promise you they will.

Because of this , it is important to avoid the trap of waiting for someone to come to you. Even when they whisper nice words in your ears.

They try to be manipulative

manipulative couple

Sometimes we can fall in love with someone who has already been taken, and unconsciously – try to harm them.


Maybe your love for the person and your desire to break up their relationship is so strong that you start bothering them about their partner. You can say things like “If they behave like that, they will not love you anymore. Or “She’s using you,” or “Maybe he’s already meeting someone else.” These are examples of manipulation.

You do not let them make decisions for themselves. Ultimately, you fill your head with things that will lead to doubt and even quarrels between the two of you.

This does nothing but cause an enormous amount of injury and pain. You are not honest and you do not give the person an opportunity to love you freely.

To fall in love and believe that the person will be faithful


This is one of the mistakes we want to highlight the most: think that the person you are in love with ends their relationship. Do you really expect them to be faithful to you?

Maybe they will, but remember that they were unfaithful to their partner with you. They have already shown a lack of respect for a relationship.

Are you aware of the types of values ​​the person you are with actually has? Do you expect them to act differently with you, just because you are you?

Be very careful with the expectations you have for this person you love. Remember that they had a partner at the beginning of their relationship.

If they were not faithful to that person, why should they be faithful to you?

Loving someone who already has a partner is a delicate situation that can wear you out if you are waiting for a breakup that never happens. It can hurt everyone by hurting a relationship, and it can even make you suffer if you stay together and your partner is unfaithful again.

What do you think you would do if you fell in love with someone who already has a partner?

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