Delicious Lactose- And Gluten-free Bread Made From Oats, Walnuts And Bananas

Treat yourself to a completely natural product without preservatives. It is recommended that you eat this homemade bread within 4 to 5 days after you have made it, so it does not go bad.
Delicious lactose- and gluten-free bread made from oats, walnuts and bananas

Throughout history , bread has been one of the most basic food products in many different countries. But over the last ten to twenty years, it has been criticized for containing too many empty calories and contributing significantly to obesity. Fortunately for you , there are many healthier varieties of lactose- and gluten-free bread coming out today, such as this bread made from oats, bananas and nuts. These healthier varieties show us that bread can also be a nutritious and healthy food choice.

In this article, you will learn the recipe for a delicious gluten-free bread made from oats, which also does not contain lactose, so it is suitable for all consumers. In addition, you also learn about the good health properties.

Gluten-free bread, the debate

Bread dough

Bread is not bad for your health in itself. It depends on the ingredients in the bread and the amount of bread you eat. Overall, it is a food that is rich in carbohydrates. These are the basic building blocks of our bodies and are an excellent source of energy. Regardless of this fact, if we eat too much bread, it can cause us to gain a lot of weight.

In conclusion, bread prepared with healthy and quality ingredients is the ideal complement to a healthy breakfast or with any meal.

We must also be careful with some breads made in factories with a flour that is of very poor quality. The factories produce it with yeast which can cause bloating after consuming it. They also make it with a large amount of additives that give the bread a rubbery texture. Thus, it becomes inedible in a short time.

Due to this problem with industrial bread , many bakers have decided to return to the old bread recipes where they make the bread at night, with patience and with the touch of a craftsman. They have also decided to use higher quality flours such as spelled, rye or buckwheat.

Isn’t there gluten in oats?


The base for this bread is oatmeal or ground oats. This carbohydrate is very nutritious and has a high protein and fiber content. Furthermore, it is very beneficial for digestion and helps to curb our desire to eat more by helping us feel full. Oats do not contain naturally occurring gluten. However, it is often treated with wheat, which “contaminates” it. In these cases, it can be quite dangerous for those who have celiac disease.

If you have this problem, make sure that the oats you buy specify that it is actually gluten free. Also, when choosing yeast, make sure that it is also gluten free.

Gluten-free bread with oats, banana and walnuts

Glutenfree bread

The bread pictured above is not only very healthy, but it is also very easy to make. It does not require any kind of kneading process. This is not a low carb bread, but is suitable for anyone with gluten sensitivity.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (100 grams)
  • 5 dl water
  • 1 tablespoon honey (10 grams)
  • 260 g finely ground oats
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 150 g chopped walnuts
  • 1 pack of dry yeast (12 grams)


The advantage of this bread is that you do not have to knead it, and you can make it quickly and easily using a hand mixer.

  • First mix the two eggs with the hand mixer.
  • Then add the oil and continue to mix the eggs.
  • Add the water, bananas, honey, and mix well again.

If the ambient temperature is warm, use lukewarm water. If you are cooking in a colder environment, use hot water.

  • Gradually add the oats while mixing the ingredients so that they are consistent and so you do not see lumps of oats everywhere.
  • When you have mixed it sufficiently and everything is consistent, add the dry yeast and mix the ingredients again.
  • When the yeast is completely mixed in, add the chopped walnuts and return to mixing the dough.
  • Then take the dough and let it sit for 30 minutes in the fridge. This is so that the bread can have time to rise. The hot dough and cold temperature cause rising.
  • While the yeast is reacting, preheat the oven to 175 degrees.
  • After thirty minutes, the dough should have risen significantly. Put it in a loaf pan and put it in the oven for 50 minutes and let it bake.
  • After forty minutes, check the bread with a knife to see if it is done. Due to differences in the size of bread forms and other variables, it may take less time or longer.
  • Wait until the bread is ready to your liking. Then take it out of the oven and let it cool a bit.
  • We recommend that you store it in a fresh and dry environment. Eat it within 4 to 5 days after you make it. It is a homemade bread and free of preservatives, so it is best to consume it quickly.

Try making gluten-free bread too!

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